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Everything posted by flatbed

  1. Its nice when you buy something new, and you are pleased with what you have, enjoy your new toy
  2. I thought about applying, but i figured i did not have the time. I am very pleased that you guys and gals have been picked. I feel you will do a very good job. P S please don't spank me hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. I am trying to figure out if i want to put the extra baracing on the rear diff mounts, the new tubing i used was some good stuff and i made the tabs shorter so there is not as much leverage on them. I think what i am going to do is run a 3rd mount so the diff is suported in 3 spots instead of 2 like they are stock, I will also save weight this way. My fuel tank that is under the seat had a bracket cracked on it. The brackets should be re-inforced with a strut on the top side of the bracket, I will also put some rubber inbetween the mounts for fibration.
  4. Damn my spelling sucks. Notice a improvement in the brakes when i test drove. Now that i have had time to re-think the way these guys plumbed the brakes, it might not be a bad idea, I am used to thinking flat track where you need more front brake that back. I think maybe on these troopers where you are hill climbing and going down hills backwards or on side hills it might not be a bad idea to have the brakes working so they are all the same. What are your thoughts?
  5. On the rear diff, the brackets to hold the diff have been built and welded in, (4 tabs and 2 pieces of 1 1/2 seemless tubing 180 wall). I cut both the stock brackets and tube off plus the reciever hitch. You can only lower the diff to about the bottom of the frame. The key is you have to be able to get the bolt out of the diff on the front mount by the drive line. when installing the rear-end you want the driveline hooked up before you start tabing it in. I have it so that the bolt will just miss the frame. P S I recomend not doing this when your better half is around, This is a fairley new car and they might not understand the whole ass-end of the car being cut off. I had some explaining to do.
  6. I have the rear diff out, have cut all the brakets off the frame. I am lowering the diff 2". This is something that romoc and i have talked about. I have 29 inch tires all the way around so this should give me some good ground clearance. I also have the fuel tank out, it is going to work to get a sump to draw from in the midle of the tank.
  7. I am laughing thinking about it. Good night gals and guys.
  8. It won"t hurt to try.
  9. 4x4x454 I am not saying sit on the floor, putting the back of the seat down 1 " would do wonders. I will get the weights on our troopers. I think they would do even better if we sat back a little bit further than we do. get the weight off the frontend. Still trying to get a hold of the shock guy9Iwant to go see him but i keep getting off work to late.) since you are the flyer around here' how are the landing.
  10. Stuck a extra set of bilstiens on mine(vw) and it helped alot, almost to stiff when going slow. If you can make it so you can bolt it up in more than one spot to change the leverage on the shock.
  11. I am really wanting to take the hak saw to the trooper. you can lean and move the seats back and down by redoing the frame-work, also i want to change the cage and move the suspension points lower, Ijust have to find the time and quit day-dreaning about it. You do kinda sit strait up in the trooper. Geter leaned back like a race car.
  12. Lets plan a trip, Just had my nefew give me a seet of tires he was using to race his rhyno, The rhyno was not strong enough to pull them.They are 29" tall so they match the 1300x15s pretty good, Any way i have 2 complete sets of tires plus the 2 paddles. I am shure we could find the best set-up for the sand. I am going to put them on the basset steel wheels so lug-nuts won't be a problem
  13. Rocmoc, I would go down to golfo in a groop, That would be someting to have a trooper group go down there.
  14. I used to prerun for off road racing down there alot, some very pretty country in mexico, Quit going down there 2 years ago. Just don't know if it is safe anymore.
  15. Bill W, if you are a friend of ricmoc you will be welcome here for sure. Flatbed
  16. I am interested in what new utv is out, if it is new. As new toys com out they tend to get better
  17. Happy birthday Blaze379, Hope you had a good day Flatbed
  18. The trouble with the troopers is we all think they are hot rods and we tend to drive them that way. When using your winch in a bad spot use a block(another pully with a hook atatched). Atatch the block to what you are pulling off, run the cable around the pulley and back to yourself, this will make your winch twice as strong. Just like cranes and tow trucks.
  19. Thank you, i'll give it a shot tomorrow
  20. You got it, when you say shock bottoming out your talking about when the shock is fully extended trying to rip the shock apart.
  21. This is all greek to me, webshots, go down in right corner of what, I am very stupid when it comes to computers, and i mean stupid
  22. Just think, you could have a rolling wet bar and barbique.
  23. I also have the shocks so that they are not fully extended when sitting, if you have one wheel high on arock in the rear it letts the other tire have some weight on it. The limiting straps that rocmoc has keeps him from having the spring trying to drive the shock apart. I have a felling that where he rides he needs the ground clearance. I also have the same problem of getting myself into spots i should not be in.
  24. How do i put pictures on this site. I have a blackberry (boy is that a joke) I figured out how to take pictures and email them to myself. (that was a huge acomplisment) Please help.
  25. Rocmoc, are you saying with your trooper parked on flat ground the rear shocks are fully extended.
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