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Everything posted by flatbed

  1. Tim, spoke to you on the phone before i got my trooper. I really enjoy having the T2. Its is good to see you here.
  2. Thank you jimmy for giving us some respect. i must say at the desert in gordon wells last week i put a real set of paddles on and i could go just about any where i wanted to go. I was out there all week-end with no issues, never got stuck. I was running the stock front tires, and we both know those are like draging around rocks.
  3. When I get home I'll look at the size, I believe the book said they where 26, but they actulay came out a litttle taller.
  4. rocmoc say there is plenty of room for the cv when the suspension is compressed, so you probably won't hurt any thing as long as you don't land to hard.
  5. hell, Ido not know, what is the difference. They are on 14" rims , about 10 inches wide 27 or 28 inches tall
  6. I have not sycled the rear shock so i do not know if we are trying to pull the axle out when compressed, I know when i sycled the front i was not impreseed with the cv angles. I will call tonight and see what i can find out on the shocks, I will try to get the trooper on a set of scales this week so we can get some real numbers. I know you know this rocmoc, but we can also change the angle on the shocks so that we can use all of the shock so that we can get some real droop in the car with out the spring being bound.
  7. I run the big horns on the back, they are a very good tire, you will notice a difference right of the bat. Just don't run alot of tire preasure because they will get big. I love the tires for all around playing.
  8. By lowering the rear dif, it will actualy lower the car untll you change the upper shock mount, when you do this you are doing nothing to change the travel in the axle. It still moves the same distance up or down from lock to lock in the cv joint. When you lower the rear diff you also need to lower the shock mount. The suspension will be able to drop futher but it will not be able to cycle as high. Bottom line is the car will sit higher but have the same travel because the rear axle already cycles from lock to lock in the cv joint. Hope i did not confuse you.
  9. I have been to Utah, although it was many years ago. it looks very pretty up there, you get all 4 seasons. The pictures look like really goood riding. Enjoy reading your post.
  10. I will get true weights in the next couple weeks, just need time to get to scales. There is a set next door to us at the shop.
  11. Don't see where it would hurt you, it going to make the tire alittle taller but i think it would be close to the same as the 10s, usually i run a 12, just had these wheels laying around. I think the biggest help with your tires will be what you put on the front. With he stock tires i had it seemed like i was pushing them all the time. These things will go good in the sand with a tall tire and a good foot print.
  12. I had a set of douglus wheels laying around with the 5 hole patern. 10" wide rims. I redrilled the holes for the correct bolt pattern. Tried the tires first with high air pressure so the tires would spin. The tires worked alot better with low preassure (no wrinkles in the walls) Water temp stayed around 190 the whole time. It was a blast beiing abable to break the back tires loose when turning going from bowl to bowl. The tires really help on the ground clearance issue. there was none.
  13. Just got back from Gordon Wells. I put 1300x 15" paddles on the back and left the front tires stock. I could make it up test with it in 4 wheel drive with nothing locked up in 2 nd gear. The steepist part i could get about 7/8 up the hill. I could dune very easy in 3rd gear. With a good set of front tires you could probably go any where you wanted to. It would be nice to have just a litttle more hp.
  14. You will get away with using 3/8 id hose for the suction line. Going in at both ends of the tank will do you no good. You would be sucking air going up and down the hill because one side would be above the fuel level when you get around a half tank. I really like the idea of going in from the top of the tank with a hose that will move with gravity so it leans toward the back of the tank going up hill, front of the tank going down hill aor toward the side when side hilling. Will be leaving for gordon wells staying at McMillen camp mid friday so i dont know when i can write again. will be trying out the 13.00x15 paddles.
  15. shock guy called today. 23.35 " long 2.0 shocks with 8" of stroke with springs, These are fox shocks @ 285.00 apiece. I was very busy when he called, but i think these have 2 springs per shock
  16. Hi My name is Troy I have been married for 33 years to my childhood sweethart. We have 4 kids all grown, 3 grandkids and 1 on the way. we are very proud of them, they have all turned out great. We all love camping and the things that go with it. This is a very good time of our familys life right now as my oldest daughter has been fighting cancer for over a year and we just found out she is in total remission. I go by the name of flatbed from my dad giving me a 56 ford pick-up that is a flatbed when i was a kid. I still drive it to work although not as much as i used to. I have raced a class 8 truck in baja and finished 3rd over all in the 1000 about 10 years ago. I no longer race but i would if i had the chance to do it again. When we are camping with other people i like to mingle and help if they are having problems with there rides. We live in Jamul Ca, both me and my wife grew up here. we love it and it is in the country.
  17. No , i have not done this yet, to busy working on everyone else stuff, I am going to do this as soon as i can. If you drop it in from the top you probably would not have to relocate the fuel pump. I kept the same size hose from the tank to the pump. It is very important to have fuel volume along with fuel preasure with fuel injection because it has a return line.
  18. The fuel pick-up problem is easy to solve. Run a line into the top of the tank using a flat piece of steel or alum with a tube welded in the center sticking out both ends so you can atatch a hose to it. Let he one end hang in the center of the tank down close to the bottom while the other end hooks to the fuel pump. It looks like jet ski shops have a hose with a filter on the end that we could use. There would be no welding on the tank this way. fasten the same way the sending unit is on top the tank. If you are woried about drilling a hole in the top of the tank. Disconect all the hoses and plug. Fill with diesel (it will not spark and go of like a bomb) drill the tank. drain it, if there is a little diesel residue in the tank when you fill it back up with gas it won't hurt you like water.
  19. You want that fuel line big, it is on the suction side of the pump. I really do need to get some pictures for you guys & gals. I mounted the fuel pump next to the tranny on the tank side using the exsiting bracket for the pump. Had to drill a extra hole in the bracket. very easy to do and it also looks very neat.
  20. Sorry guys & gals, i live on the out skirts of San Diego. Great weather and good riding. I must admit i do miss the rain sometimes. It is probably a blast driving in the snow and ice.
  21. Looks like joyner is real proud of their shocks. Give me a little time, i'll se what we can do
  22. rocmoc Talked to my shock contact guy. he is going to have his son check into what they have. I guess i could measure mine to find out the lengths. when you say 23", that is center to center on the shock holes fully extended. I do not believe there is 700 lbs on each rear courner of the car. I would say 500 at the most with 2 people in the car. Next time i take mine to work i will pull it on the scales, might do it before i go to the desert. 500 each tire on the back and maybe 450 on the front apiece. thats 1900 lbs. what do you htink.
  23. rocmoc The troopers that have a skid pan that you can take off are a pain. mine comes off and i want to change how it is mounted. On a seprate issue don"t forget about the carrier bearing on the front drive-line, there is a zert on the very top of it.
  24. rockmoc Have you measured the shock. if you have let me know what it is. I have a good friend who works for fox shocks. They might have something in stock that might work. I know bielstien shock also might have something. If you are going to buy shocks, get the dual stage. 2 seprate springs per shock. Let me know.
  25. I tend to want to get to places with out doing alot of goffing around, dont mind stopping for something to drink, just dont like to sit still for long. I have been against the rev limiter many times in the lower gears while climbing hills, dont think i have been against it in high gear though. Don"t trust the shocks so i have not put them to the test in rough stuff.
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