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bigdan120 last won the day on September 6 2017

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About bigdan120

  • Birthday 08/11/1966

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  1. [email protected] She has parts. I also have alittle of her stock here. Need part number and description..
  2. I hardly doubt it....There so different from everything else.
  3. No swap to be thrown in... sorry. Gonna have to make sure injectors are firing. Not sure if the 800 has a timing belt. Might want to check timing. Spray with either. If it starts then it's fuel related.
  4. Good luck! I liked mine alot. Did get tired of it breaking output shafts and rear ends.
  5. I haven't had mine in a few years. I'm pretty sure. You got a new one? Look see if there's a hole in it. The pin is about 1/4 round. You might not find alot of help on here. There's a few but older generation has moved on from what I understand. Go to parts and pieces or the fixs page. I've found it easier to Google the page your looking for. Also you can get a manual online. It's not great but will help.
  6. There's a split pin that has to be driven out of the yoke at rear ends if it's a trooper. Take note they only fit back through in 1 position. The hole is offset.
  7. Check with Casey ye
  8. You can trust Casey ye Jlee
  9. ok let me see if I can get a part number and pricing.
  10. Possibility have original new one in stock. What model and year?
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