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mrOkie last won the day on May 8 2013

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  • UTV Brand
    Kawasaki Mule
  • Interests
    Mules, Chevrolets, Firearms, tractors, riding mowers and anything with a small gasoline engine, and airplanes with a propeller.

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  1. mrOkie


  2. yes check out this Topic: [Mule stuff for sale?]
  3. Ok on the picture. Ok on the pic:
  4. Thanks for the info, that seems to be all the parts needed for the usual rebuild. My problem seems to be rust particles that get thru the filters, (really small particles) from a rusty fuel tank. I have been down with some health problems and haven't got to work on the Mule, we are using the electric EZGO instead. I still have the 4 aftermarket wheels and Swamp Boss tires stored in the garage that I need to sell.
  5. Yes they will rub the front fenders on a stock 3010. You would need a set of H.D. springs and maybe a 2" lift kit for the front. That is why I replaced them on my 3010 with new stock wheelss and tires. I didn't waqnt to raise the height of my mule since we use it on the place on good dirt roads. I wouldn't want to deceive anyone about something I have for sale.
  6. Where are you located? I am in central Texas, make me an offer, I still have the wheels and tires for sale.
  7. Hey folks, If you are the last ones to leave here please be sure to turn out the lights and lock up! BYE BYE
  8. There is a complete circuit diagram of the fuel pump relay, fuel pump circuits in the Service manual electrical section on page 17-39. There are three wires connecting the relay, one is from the ignition switch, the other is from the ignitor and the third wire goes to the fuel pump. My interpertion is that the ignitor signal permits current flow from the 12 volt input from the ignition switch to the fuel pump positive lead, so that means the engine ignitor must be fireing (engine running) in order that the fuel pump runs. The Fuel Pump Relay is not a common solenoid type relay. The original fuel pump also appears to have a pressure sensitive cutoff switch built into the fuel pump, that relieves the pressure on the float needle valve, when the float bowl is full. I could be wrong but that is my observation from the service manual information.
  9. I downloaded a manual for my 3010 Mule for $9.95 here is the URL; here is the URL for the download site. The one I got is a very good copy of the Kawasaki hard copy KAWASAKI KAF 620/ MULE 3010 TRANSPORT 4 X 4 REPAIR MANUAL - Download Documents / eBooks
  10. Baja TRAX Swamp Boss tires for sale! I had these listed for sale on another thread that the title didn't mention anything for sale. I have these tires and wheels that show no wear for sale: $500 cash or best offer. 2 Front wheels and tires are Vision wheels Baja TRAX Swamp Boss tires size 25X8X12 2 rear wheels and tires are: Vision wheels Baja TRAX Swamp Boss tires size 25X10X12 The tires are mounted on the Vision wheels and are in my garage
  11. I did take the dash and the glove boxes out off of my 3010 when I was working on the hood and cargo compartment. Is the problem with the hood latch? or is it possible the way the hood is mounted? I bought a 3010 that TPO had pop rivited the hood on at one time. I squirted the hood latch full or PB Blaster several times and then forced the latch handle in really hard at the bottom of the handle and got the hood to pop open. There wasn't any hood opening hardware left, TPO had a rubber bungee strap holding the front of the hood in place. I since then have took pictures of hoods at a dealer and ordered all the pieces, bolts, screws clips that are on the hood and after a long learning curve have it all together and it works fine. I used the parts diagram that is downloadable on Kawasaki.com to learn a lot about how the hood and hardware go together. It is esscential that the hood be able to be opened in order to check the coolant and the brake fluid
  12. I found this one at J.C. Whitney SEIZMIK UTV SIDE VIEW MIRRORS $20.69 here is the URL for the page: http://www.jcwhitney.com/utv-side-view-mirrors/p2013248.jcwx?filterid=j9
  13. Best try to make do with what came on the Mule if you want reliability, having said that I took off a set of vision Chrome Wheels and like new Baja Trax Swamp boss tires Rear 25X10X12 and front 25X8X12 (the ones in my avatar) and replaced them with new stock wheels and tires because the front tires rubbed the fenders in a turn. I also have a new set of heavy dury front springs and a new set of 2" lifts for the front that came with the Mule, the HD springs and lifts were never mounted.. I don't need them since our Mule stays on flat gravel roads and turf. They are all for sale for $500 to be picked up here in central Texas. Here is what they looked like on my 3010 Mule;
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