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  1. Am on my 4th Mule in 12 years...a 2011 KAF620..was disappointed to see that the long-time OEM Dunlops have been replaced by the Duro DI-K968's...I keep reading that after Dunlop discontinued their UTV tires, that Duro is making the same tire...am I the only one that thinks the Duro's are not nearly as good as the old Dunlops were?...My OEM Duro's are wearing at an alarming rate!...I could get a solid 2 years from the old Dunlops here on the ranch...these Duro's will be shot in 12 months! Anybody know of any vendors out there that have a good, all purpose, all terain 23 or 24x11x10 that I can use instead of the Duro's...or are us Mule owners stuck with Duro?
  2. Hi guys!...longtime Mule owner...on my 4th one, a 2011, KAF620, but new to this forum...Live in the rugged mountains of central New Mexico...use the Mule as primary transportation, and hauling, on the ranch...have a few general questions/observations...will post in the proper areas. Hope to receive some useful feedback
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