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Everything posted by leenanj

  1. Happy Holidays to all!
  2. Thanks for the offer but who do we call? Is there a web site? PS. Did you not pop, explode, or whatever its going to do yet? Happy Holidays!
  3. Roc I am not sure why the planning commission chose to build this route as I don't get involved with them but I have a good idea. If your familiar with Washoe Valley from Reno to Carson it is quite a narrow valley scattered with ranches and fertile grazing land for horses and cattle alike. Something we don't have much of around here being desert. Keeping the freeway traffic and noise up out of the way and preserving the scenic valley seems like a good idea. It is costing a fortune though, one contractor that started the bridge backed out saying the elevation and strong wind is just to dangerous to build a bridge like this. Another contractor has taken over the job and with a little different approach is building the bridge. That center support you see in the picture is only being used while the bridge is under construction and later will be removed.
  4. Mike Where do you buy this enclosure for the Trooper or did you have it custom made?
  5. Just some interesting info about Reno where I live! Everyone has been to Reno at one time right. Many famous movies were filmed in Reno. The 'Biggest Little City in the World' is what the sign reads. Now the largest free spanning bridge in the world is under construction. It will connect Reno with Carson City, the Nevada state capital. There will be many smaller bridges along it path and the highway will scale the side of the mountains with the bridges being heated during the winter months. As not to disturb the horse grazing, wildlife and off-road trails. Since our Democratic Senator Harry Reid is a avid off-roader he has made sure our areas have been kept open and unrestricted for off-roading with staging areas everywhere. New developments were not allowed to block off access to BLM land at least here in Northern Nevada. Here is a picture of the construction, taken about a half mile away is about as close as you can get at this time by car.
  6. Happy Holidays Roc and to all! Unlike you guys I love the cold and snow. The most fun time of year for off roading in my opinion. Instead of the hot dusty trails we get some mud and snow to play in. Put the tracks on the quads, get the snow mobiles out. Nothing as exhilarating like being at 10k feet mountain top in a blizzard, now this is Gods country!
  7. That would be a little embarrassing when they pass you on the trail!
  8. I don't have a solution or quick fix, I hope Obama does. But trickle down economics has not worked for 8 years. Give to the wealthy and hope they create jobs? How many thousands of jobs have we lost with Bush and cronies. Lets try trickle up economics for a change like Obama wants. It has worked before to end the great depression. If consumers buy, there will be a need for product thus creating jobs and hopefully a snowball effect.
  9. Five RZR's jumping at the dunes. I thought it was kind of strange that one of the RZR's did a nose dive on that one jump. It looks kinda cool when there in sync.
  10. Just a follow up. I know most of you people don't want a RZR, so if you win I will gladly go pick it up and take it off your hands and even pay the tax on it. My wife is really after me to get here one.
  11. LOL, I hope you didn't get trampled on when they opened the doors. Happy Thanksgiving!
  12. We all have a good reason to be scared for many reasons. The shambles the Bush administration has left this country. Or maybe your referring to Obama being black and middle class, I don't know. At any rate I think Obama is what this country needs to get back on track. This same question has raised quite a debate on RA in the Out House section, some sick dudes over there.
  13. And then there is the man machine burnout!
  14. GO OBAMA - YES! Anybody else over joyed that the worst president in history 'Bush and his cronies' will be out in January? Lets get this country moving again. Invest in America!
  15. Want the Ultimate off road UTV? The man machine? Want one for FREE? Side X Side Action magazine is giving away two Polaris RZR's Sign up here, no purchase needed. http://www.sidexsideaction.com/contest/
  16. GO OBAMA! YES!
  17. Now there is a coincidence! My granddaughter's name is Chevelle, she is 4 years old now. I didn't think it was a great idea at the time but that name has really grown on me. Her father builds and races Chevelles. Here she is in here Halloween costume.
  18. Actually the base RZR does not cost more than the Trooper. The RZR S maybe a bit more. So far the major Off Road magazines do not talk about Chinese vehicles. There are a couple of used Troopers here in Reno at a very good price. I may still get one for a project that I am working on. LOL
  19. Your right Mike, I believe it is a disclaimer here. Not to protect the rider like you are saying. I think they are saying there machines were not intended for this use. This is definitely true with the water level. Don't you agree?
  20. At the request from the Joyner dealer hear and I am sure from many others, Thunderinc, Team Joyner has posted on there web site a warning about there buggies and the damage it will cause. Quote from the Team Joyner web site: Joyner does not recommend jumping your vehicle or running your vehicle through more than 20 inches of water. This is located on the first page of there web site.
  21. ATVriders.com says the RZR is the ultimate UTV! Not just a lot of talk but hands on reviews. All American made and it shows. The new 09 RANGER RZR S is the ultimate, pure-sport side-by-side built for the desert, dunes and open spaces. The machine delivers unmatched performance using an 800 H.O. EFI Polaris twin engine that churns out a 63 MPH top speed and features Polaris’ exclusive, long travel suspension kit that widens the vehicle to 60-inches wide. Along with premium styling including custom Turbo Silver paint, wide fender flairs, extended rear cab frame supports and 26-inch Maxxis Big-Horn tires, RANGER RZR S has high-performance features not found on other side-by- sides such as Chrome-Moly upper front A-arms and adjustable Fox® performance shocks making it the ultimate sport side-by-side.
  22. Great post on the RZR wiring harness. I have talked to Dave at autotrend and will get one on the way. I must have missed this post on the RZR forums as there are so many new post in a days time I usually don't wade through all of them. Besides the factory lighting I have added lights front and rear, two way radio, spot lights, warning lights, and possibly a heater this winter. If the regulator gets caked with mud or dirt where it is located it will over heat so moving it up front and higher is a good idea and what Polaris has done for 09. Thanks
  23. Polaris district sales manager Mike Carr suggested we head to Reno, Nev. and ride at Moon Rocks. With its mix of whoops, steep hills, rock crawling and wide open trails it proved to be an ideal spot to put the RZR S to the test. Check out there article at ATV.COM and you got to see the video! awesome... http://www.atv.com/manufacturers/polaris/2...review-950.html We had three RZR's last year at Sand Mountain NV for testing and they let everybody ride them.
  24. We got a little snow so far this winter. Some of the ski resorts have opened. Most of them had to make there own snow. I will keep riding the RZR until the snow gets to deep or stay at the lower elevations. It a b%$#h trying to dig a UTV out of 3 feet of snow or more. But I am ready for the deep stuff, my friend and I have tracks for our Kawi Prairies. These things go any where with tracks, we are not as fast as snowmobiles but we found we can go places they cannot. The name of the game is fun! when we are not involved in search & rescue. Here is my buddy in the red having some fun
  25. Good post, I never realized there were so many different brands and models of S&S's out there. I'm not sure if there all sold here in the states or not. And I wonder what a list of quads would look like. I was interested in a couple of small scooters last spring in the 50cc to 150cc range as they don't need to be licensed in Nevada and I could not believe there were hundreds of different brands. I think half were made by a handful of Chinese companies with different names put on them.
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