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Everything posted by Newfietrucker

  1. Newfietrucker


  2. I replaced my gauges because they were bad. And my oil pressure switch was bad too. After replacing it the gauge worked fine. Might change my speed sensor too and hope to fix my speed gauge.
  3. Right on. I don't mine picking at my rig either. Not very good at the wiring tho.
  4. I wish there was a place close to me for parts. When I need parts I need to order it and it takes a week to get it. And no one around me don't know anything about my renegade and don't want to work on it. So I just try to fix it myself. Learned alot by it.
  5. I pulled the speed sensor it looked ok. Sensor still might be bad. Wish I had one to try. For the speed gauge and rpm, when I turn key on the two gauges cycles back and forth showing it works I guess. I thought it be weard that my oil gauge and pressure sending unit, fuel and sending unit , temp gauge give out the same time. All gauges work fine now after replacing them. Just the speed gauge left to fix. Like to have a speed sensor to try to see if that's the trouble.
  6. Never had any replys on my problems with my renegade. Found that my oil sending unit was bad. I replaced it and now works. Speed gauge still won't work. Think it might be speed sensor.
  7. Hello, wondering if I could get help with a couple gauged not working. I replaced some bad gauges. Now I noticed that my oil gauge go all the way up when I turn the key on checked for bad wires. All look good. And another thing is my speed gauge won't move when I drive. It cycles when I turn key on and that's it. I have a 2008 renegade. Any ideas on this problem?
  8. Hello, having trouble with a couple of gauges. I replaced 3 gauges. Oil,fuel,and water temp that gave out the same time. After replacing gauges I noticed now that my speed won't move when I'm driving. Only cycle when I turn key on. And my oil gauge goes all the way up when I turn key on. I think the sensor might be bad. Any idea on the problem I'm having? Tks.
  9. Hello. Having trouble with two gauges not working right. Noticed when I turn key on speed gauge and rpm cycle up and down as they suppose to. When I drive the speed gauge won't move and not sure why. And I noticed that the oil pressure goes to 120. Can't figure on the problem. Need help with this. Tks.
  10. Hello. All my gauges work fine. Except oil pressure. The gauge go all the way up when key is turned on. And the speed gauge cycle when key turn on but when I drive the speed gauge will not move. Any idea?
  11. My gas gauge is fine now. I replaced the gauges that were bad. Now when I turn key on the oil gauge go all the way up for some reason. I noticed when I started to drive it the speed gauge wouldn't move either. Any idea?
  12. Hello. Having trouble with speed gauge not working it cycles when key turns on but will not work when moving. I replaced fuel, oil pressure, and water temp. Because not working. All gauges work fine. Except oil gauge. When I turn key on oil temp go to bust. Not sure why. Everything seems to work fine except the 2 gauges. Tried switching wires. Still the same. Any idea? Tks.
  13. I made a new ground to gas float. And nothing happened but when I put my tester to the brown with black strip. The gas gauge moves to 1/2 full. So I got good power going to gauge, good ground, only get gauge to move when I touch the tester to the red wire at gas tank. Wish I could get someone to talk me through it. Could explain better.
  14. Not sure on how to use the ohm tester. I tried a ground wire from battery to the brown wire with black strip that gose to the red wire on gas float. Gas gauge show full. Switch wire to the black and nothing happens. I tried a wire from power to the red then ground to the black and nothing happens.
  15. Found out that my gauge was bad. Tried another one but still won't work until I put a power wire to the brown with black strip wire. Going to the gas tank. There was a little power going to the tank. I do have a full tank of gas. So I got to get some out to see what gauge will show. Still think there's a short.
  16. The light do come on all gauges. I tried all I could think of to get them to work. Traced wires and all look good. I had the gas gauge to the tank to try to get it to work but still no luck. Crossed wires at gauge to see it would move. No luck either. Unless those 3 gauges gave out the same time. Would be strange. I did notice that the gauges had a air line crack on the back of them in the white plastic. I found a guy that has the same renagade as I do. And thinking of selling it at a good price. But I'm thinking of trying the gas gauge on his rig first to see it will work then.
  17. I tried the gauge stright to gas tank. Still didn't work. I ran new power and gr wire to tank to run gauge. Still nothing. I even hooked to battery crossed wires to see if gauge will move. Still nothing. Would u think that 3 gauges would short out the same time.
  18. Tks for the info Lenny. You helped alot. It's late here now. I'll get some wire tomorrow and start to work on the gauges. Hope that works. Will let you know after I try it. Tks.
  19. ok , i'll check that. another thing is the fan suppose to stay on when i start it? the fan fuse gets hot too. i got a 25 amp fuse there now. is that ok? tks for helping. i'm ok at fixing things but not good at wiring.
  20. i hooked up the ground wire back to where it was at the master switch. i used tester at guages, tried power.it did, put tester to power then touched the ground tester lit up. the 3 guages are stuck in one spot and the hand won't move like gas show 1/4, oil show 65, temp show 190.would guages stop working like that.hands won't move.i replaced all relays and still same. when i turn it on and not start the fan and fuel pump will start then go off. when i start renegade fan and pump will come on and stay on. a wire in fuse box for fan is burnt and fuse was milted a bit, replaced fuse. fuse gets hot because fan stays on when started. traced a lot of wires they look good. hard to figure out.
  21. I hooked up the ground wire again to battery then I checked power on gauges + had power. Then I put test light to power on gauge and checked the ground it had power too. I looked at the back of fuse box noticed the fuse wire for fan was burnt a little. Tested all fuses they had power. Noticed when I start it the fan comes on and stays on till I turn off key. I guess that's why the wire in fuse box burnt.
  22. Tks for the reply. I unpluged all conectors and replug. Still the same. There's a ground wire that was at the main shutoff switch. I unhooked it and found power to it. I lose power to gauges at this time till I hook it back up. Traced wire to fuel pump and gas tank. With key on I put test light to fuel pump. It had power on both wires. Not sure if it suppose to. Another thing when I unhooked the 2 ground wires at computer I found power on a wire there. Don't make since. Unplug computer and replug it. Still the same. Checking the wires from front to back and still can't figure it out. If I had put everything back together the way it was. I could start it and drive away. Seems to work fine. Just that the 3 gauges won't work. Bad thing if something happens I wouldn't know. Can't figure where a short would be. Still thinking it might be in computer. Took cover off computer and looked at it. It looked ok. Puzzled. What do u think. Tks.
  23. Tks. I checked the fuses and they were good.
  24. hello, having trouble with my joiner. had 3 guages stop working at same time.gas,temp,and oil psi.checked power and was good.one day i noticed fan came on and stay on when started.checked some wires, one wire that was ground that was hooked to main shut off had power to it.traced wire back to gas pump and gas tank guage. gas tank power had little power with test light. i unhook computer looked at fuse box, looked ok.2 ground wires for computer, put test light on them and found one had power to it.didn't make since.might try a guage tomorrow to see if it works.not sure if computer might be bad. can't hook to a computer, can't find a conector nowhere.front or back.what to do, need help. tks.
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