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Everything posted by adjusterr

  1. Purchased 2013 Polaris 500 Ranger last week. No engine brake at idle just like in a previous post. Also, just before the freewheeling starts, there is a high pitched whining noise in the differential/tranny area like raw metal rubbing. Called dealer, was advised this is normal. If I had been aware of this problem prior to purchase, there would have been no purchase, this thing seems unsafe. If you release the accelerator on a steep hill the machine will slow down then as the engine reaches idle speed rpm's, the unit makes a screaching sound and goes into freewheeling requiring immediate and hard braking. Anyone out there having the same problem and is there a solution? Thanks
  2. Trying to decide between Kawasaki Mule 610 XC and Polaris Ranger 500. If anyone has any advice or opinion on either, I would appreciate the input.
  3. kcoburn: Thanks for the info. I was able to get some more info, there appears to be several differences, suspension modification, wider stance, different steering wheel and the gear ratio. I plan to hold out hoping my dealer can find a XC in camo.
  4. just joined. Looking for info on Kawasaki Mule 610 XC. Living in the mountains in Western Maryland, actually, The Peoples Republic of Maryland, considering our new gun and tax laws. Buying Mule to replace an original Yamaha Pro-hauler, best piece of equipment I ever owned.
  5. Buying new Kaw mule 610 xc. Can't locate one in camo, was told by dealer the only difference between the standard Mule and the XC is the tire size,.Dealer suggested I buy a standard mule and swap tires for larger size, does anyone know if this is correct. Also, does the mule have any common defects I should be aware of? Thanks
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