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  1. Hey guys, the Paiute Jam has so much swag to give away they are giving it away in advance of the jamboree and you don't even need to attend to win. This week they are giving away a 2 burner Camp Chef stove. Go enter here NOW: Paiute Trail Jamboree It will be gone in a few days so dont screw around or you'll miss it. They will be giving away a few more things before the Jamboree begins Aug 7-10
  2. Hey all, if your looking for some amazing riding join us in Utah Aug 9-11 www.utvjam.com for details. Its FREE. Here is a short video with shots fomr last year.
  3. I've had it, this guy has to be stopped. In a simply astounding blog post, ATV Television host Doug Meyer has come out swinging in an attempt to force UTVs off of the Paiute ATV Trail system. Read it here: http://atvtelevision.blogspot.com/2012/02/future-of-paiute-trail-system.html In effect he says UTVs are ruining the trail and they must be banned before the trail system is destroyed. He goes so far as to say that the damage UTVs are causing in Moab and Imperial Dunes and to the Paiute will result in them being shut down. He defines UTVs as "incredibly high-speed vehicles that have in turn increased both personal injuries and ecological damage multifold". His parting shot is a clear indication that he thinks UTV owners are simply a bunch of speed freaks ruining the scenery of the Paiute Trail. "All this is said not because of my preference for ATVs over UTVs, but rather my preference for scenic trails for exploration over trails used for high-speed entertainment." -Doug Meyer This isn't just a one time blog post, he has taken this argument to the US Forrest Service that manages the Paiute Trail. He has been a vocal opponent of the UTV Jamboree held each year on the Paiute (utvjam.com), last year urging the city of Marysvale to ban the event. I can tell you first hand UTVs are not creating a problem on this trail system, Doug just hates UTVs. The amazing thing here is that this guy makes a living largely from UTVs. One look at all of his latest video you see its all about UTVs. I see him wheeling around in UTVs he has been given for FREE all the time. I think its time Polaris, Yamaha, Kawasaki and the rest of the manufacturers stop giving this guy free product to use in his business. We have enough problems with environmentalists trying to shut us down, we don't need the media that pretends to represent us doing it. I think its time we let him know we don't appreciate the way he is dogging us. Please send emails to the media contacts and tell them to stop supporting a guy who doesn't support this sport. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
  4. Thanks, it should be fun. Will be posting lots of pics.
  5. Hey all, I am taking my RZR to Borneo to ride across the equator. The plan is to hack our way across 1500Km of jungle during Monsoon season for three weeks. I have been preping the RZR to be a little more expedition ready. I shipped it last month and I think it arrived in Jakart today. You can follow the whole adventire on UTVweekly.com. http://utvweekly.com/index.php/category/ut...ekly-exclusive/ I did a series of articles on the build and the products. While I am there I will be doig a daily blog via satellite from the jungle on UTVweekly. I'll have a ton of video when I return. Happy Turkey day!
  6. If you missed the UTV Jam in Marysvale Utah in August here are some snipits. UTVJam.com if you want to join us next year. It really was a quality event. Lots of Vendors, perfect venue, boatloads of giveaways. Here is the article I wrote for UTVWeekly. Paiute Trail UTV Jamboree A Success : UTVWeekly.com The video on Youtube.
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