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  1. Update> As it turns out, the second pump didn't go bad. There were two other issues that were causing overheating. One being a deffective filler neck and cap under the seat, and a common problem, an air lock in the cooling system. A little more tweeking, and hopefully I'll have it fixed.
  2. Has anyone had any waterpump issues with a 2510 gas Mule? I have one with a bad waterpump, and I replaced it with a used one I bought. The replacement went bad right away. Does the plastic/nylon drive gear get britle with age and go bad easily? Any good solid fixes?
  3. Your neutral switch would be the first place I'd check. It shouldn't be dead in other areas though.
  4. Yep, it's a case of who has the current glitz for the machines. Allot like riding mowers. Deere is king there. Mules are good stuff, but if you want the show off stuff, you'll have to go for the others it seems............ : (
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