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    My first love has been motorcycles. I began riding in 1950 and have been riding ever since. Most of that time I had off road motorcycles. After needing some new parts, like knees and hips I thought it was time to go to 4 wheels. The new parts are nice but not as good as the OEM parts.<br /><br />My past interests include flying, sailing, SCUBA diving, Ham radio, music, and teaching. I'm a retired SVIA Chief Instructor and MSF Instructor.<br /><br />I retired from the phone company in California in 1986. <br /><br />I'm enjoying the Trooper and hope to meet many like minded people.<br /><br />Richard Peck AKA- Gumball

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  1. Gumball


  2. 4 Duro Radials (2) 26x9x14 (2) 26x11x14. 206 miles on these tires, (Sale for tires only) No cuts, bruises, dings, plugs, etc. Buyer pays shipping - $175 cash for the set 520-400-9770
  5. See earlier post! gumball
  6. Hi All, There comes a time - - - Please see my ad in the classifieds. UTV BOARD MEMBER PRICE - $4500 Gumball
  7. After a summer riding brand X, which I sold, I've decided to sell my T2. I really need to sell it and will consider any offers. You can see a description of it on Craigslist, http://tucson.craigslist.org/rvs/2719766744.html BOARD MEMBER SPECIAL PRICE - $4500.00 It has been sitting in my garage on the battery tender for most of the year. It's time to retire from off roading, at least for now. It runs good and as usual is fun to drive. The only thing it really needs is someone to drive it. Gumball
  8. Hi Mike, If you really want to see the White Mountains take a look at this website. http://azatvoutlawtrail.com/. In the past we've had 21 leader led rides to many of the historical sites, many of which were tied to the early outlaws. I don't know about this year yet, but in the past we've had as much as $35,000.00 in door prizes. Last year that included about 25 SETS of tires and/or wheels, both truck and ATV/UTV. You have my telephone number in Tucson so give me a call if you'd like more information. Gumball
  9. How many miles are on it? Was there any damage to the motor when your coolant line exploded (overheating)?

  10. Hi Eric, Take a look at the post called "Mudslinger tamed". It will give you an idea of how I solved the problem. Kinarfi has also done work on his fenders. Send me your email address and I'll send you pictures. Have fun! Gumball
  11. Hi Jeff, You might want to consider the Trooper I have for sale. I've done a lot of work on it to get it upgraded. It's now back to good running order and the price is right. Take a look at it in the classified section. You're within driving distance from me here in Tucson. If you'd like to talk to me give me a call on 520-885-6274. Some of the Trooper Guru's on the board were a big help in getting it back on the trail. Gumball
  12. Hi all, After much work to get my Trooper tricked out I find it has to go. (See ad in the Classified Section) Everything is a compromise, the troopers great features are offset for my use by the long wheelbase. Where most of my riding is done is on old trails in the Arizona White Mountains. The trails are so tight and water bars so high even the RZRs high center. Soooo, my navigator says no more banging off the bars, a short wheelbase machine is in order. I'm hoping someone on the board would like to have a fine machine at the right price. Gumball
  13. CASE SOLVED - After issuing a APB (all panic bulletin) further investigation resulted in the discovery of the missing cap. It was found in a plastic bag about 3 feet from my office chair. Closer examination showed it is a 16lb cap with no further identifying marks. Gumball
  14. Growing old is for the birds. After my radiator adventure I put my radiator cap away in a safe place. It must be safe because I can't find it. Does anyone know what size it is for the Trooper engine, and if one might be available at a local parts house? I would like to get one right away if possible. I did the same thing with my Chrysler 300 transponder key. The dealer said for a mere $287.00 they would replace it. Needless to say I'm using my wives bunny rabbit key. Let em laugh, I don't want to come out of retirement to buy a damn car key. Gumball
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