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Everything posted by Gumball

  1. A lot of the steering slop in my Trooper was in the fitting of these two tubes. A bolt through the two helped a lot. Gumball
  2. Greetings, What I did to help with the dust was to cover the area behind the seats with a large window. It snaps in to the roll cage and is made of clear plastic like you'd find in a convertible top. I works really well, is easy to clean and was not real expensive. If you're interested in one I'll see if my upholstery guy will make you one. The cost will probably be around $75.00. Gumball
  3. Hi Jeff, That looks like the hot setup! I think in spite of the cost in the long run that's the way to go. Our troopers are not the quietest things around, especially when you factor in the wind noise. Having VOX, noise cancelling has to be a good thing. I have several radios that would work, including my ham radios. I've been told there are radios available in the GMRS frequencies that have quite a bit of power. At our annual Outlaw Jamboree we have a communication person on each ride with a satellite phone. Great thing, but to rich for my blood. I do carry a SPOT satellite transmitter just in case but it isn't good for local communications. I like your fenders, they work good and are a lot tougher material than the stock ones. I ordered rear wheel bearing and I'm hoping I don't have to replace the hub on the left side. I'm doing like Noah did when the Lord asked, "what are you doing?" Noah replied, "I'm trying to get my ship together". Eventually I'll get my ship together. Richard
  4. Now that I'm just about back on the trail I'm thinking of upgrading my communication system. My current setup allows me to talk car to car, monitor my radar detector (when on the bike), and use my cell phone. I would like to have something similar that is more substantial. I'm looking at aviation gear but it's really expensive. I'd appreciate hearing what some of you are using. My setup now has to many wires, ear buds, PTT switch, etc. Thanks for your thoughts! Gumball
  5. Back in the saddle again! The Trooper was inspected yesterday. After making sure everything worked I took it in, the inspector looked at the engine number, the Vin # and that was it. Well, at least everything is legal. Here’s what been done so far: Change the front-end Heim joints and ball joints to domestic parts. This meant cutting the old parts out and fabricating new steering arms and related parts. Replace the left front CV bearing cage Replace the CV Boots Fabricate new A arm mounts. Replace the steering rack to make steering more positive. NOTE: a lot of the slop in the steering is in the rods connecting the steering wheel and the rack. Putting a bolt through these pieces helps a bunch. Replace the front shocks with KONI Series 30 shocks. Replace front shock springs. Fabricate new fenders/mounts all the way around. Re-align the right rear swing arm. It ended up with about 2 ½ inches of negative camber. Replace the front turn signals. Replace the front headlights. Replace the HID lights on the light bar. Replace the mirrors both sides. Replace a section of the roll cage. Replace the roll cage padding Wire around the fuse box to power the fan. Straighten various pieces as I discover they’re bent. So far this project has cost about $2500.00 most of it in fabrication cost. If you are interested I posted pictures on Webshots under Gumball Trooper Rebuild. They show where I am at as of today. There’s still work to be done, wiring the HIDs, tightening everything, etc. http://rides.webshots.com/album/579706184IoYsVH Many thanks to those that helped me get back on the road, Jarrad, Lenny, Brostar and Kinarfi. It’s great to be a part of this group. Gumball
  6. Hello fellow Troopers, Has anyone found a schematic that shows the color of each wire? If you have, I would appreciate you telling me where I can find it. In the resurrection of my Trooper it's going to be necessary to do some wiring. It would be helpful to know which wire goes where. The schematic in the manual and the one posted on the board may as well be written in Chinese ( pun intended). I'm hoping to be up and running in the next week or so. I'll post all the changes when it's done. Gumball
  7. Greetings Brostar, Thank you very much for the information. As it turns out the Trooper is once again running, minus the fried fuse. I'll pick it up tomorrow. Now the fun begins for me. There is considerable cosmetic damage left to fix. I'll probably end up replacing the fuse box to make sure it doesn't happen again. I'll post a list of the repairs, etc. when I get it back together again. I'm happy I have you all when help is needed. Unlike Humpty Dumpty and all the kings men, you all helped me put it together again. Gumball
  8. Hiya, As some of you know my Trooper was wrecked when it was thrown out my toy hauler. It is being rebuilt by a master fabricator, Chad Nichols at Nichols Fabrication. He's replaced much of the hardware in the front end and installed a new rack. He also installed my Koni shocks. All was going well until he tried to start it this morning. Everything sounded fine but no start. After further inspection we found a FRIED fuse in the fuse box. That is likely the problem. My question is, has anyone had experience replacing the box, and or, wiring around the box? I sent him the schematic so he can figure out what the fuse controls. I tried sending him the Trooper Owners manual but my ISP bounced it because the file was to big. Finding a website that has the manual has not been successful. If I can't find one I'll make a copy of the one I have and take it to him. When the project is complete I'll post the results for all to see. Thanks to Lenny and Jarrad for their help. Gumball
  9. Hiya, Thank you for the complete commentary on your bearing adventure. It sure makes life easier for the next guy. Gumball
  10. Can Am Commander ride - At our ATV Outlaw Jamboree in Eagar Arizona I had a chance to drive the new Commander. It is a very nice machine. That being said, for the money I'd stick with my Trooper. The Commander did have many good things, like lots of power, good brakes and nice fit and finish, it did have some things on the down side. For tight rocky mountain trails, like those found in the Arizona White Mountains it's size and weight become a con, (not unlike the Trooper, having the same problem). The longer wheel base is a real problem with some of the high water bars on our trails. When the RZRs are high centering you know you are in trouble. Overall I didn't feel it has as good a ride as my Trooper. Maybe because it was brand new. When I asked to drive the 1000X with the Fox Shocks, rather than just tell me it wasn't available, the rep told me it had blown a seal? (must not have been a sales rep). If you have LOTS of $$ and want to be the first kid on the block with the new toy, I'm sure you can't go far wrong. Disclaimer: This opinion and $1.00 will get you cup of coffee (senior cup) at McDonalds. Gumball
  11. TILT! BRAKA FRIKA BRACKERAT! Life can be cruel. The cage I reported on alas, won't work afterall. I took it in to be sure it would work and found that it won't go into the hub. So, it's back to the drawing board. I apologize for not checking sooner. Bummer!! Gumball
  12. The cage was $25.08 out the door. I should have included this information. Gumball
  13. Thanks to Lenny the lower ball joints I needed arrived in the mail today. After looking all over town and sending emails around the world I found the cage I needed about 2 miles from home. I got it at a place called Chirco Performance and Restoration. Their address is 9101 E 22nd St. Tucson Arizona 85710. The parts guy called it a bus. The part information is is TP2 CV Cage 3/4 CPR501142B. Thanks again for your help. I feel blessed to have friends like those on this board. Gumball PS Lenny I tried to PM you but your mailbox must be full
  14. Hi All, After my recent accident I need some tough to find parts. I'm hoping one of you may have what I need in your stash. 1, a bearing cage for the front axle. 2, a couple of lower ball joints. When the Trooper got thrown out of the toy hauler it landed on the left front wheel, goodbye bearing cage. My fabricator is going to replace the upper ball joints with domestic parts but that requires cutting and welding. I'm hoping I can find a couple of lowers to cut down on expenses. There's lots of cosmetic damage but that I can fix. My fabricator has one of the cars he builds for sale. I'd consider it but there's a couple of problems. One, it won't fit in the new toy hauler, and two, I'm a bit shy on cash, Christmas expenses you know. I guess I don't really need a long travel, 500hp buggy. He even reduced the price to 60K, what a deal!!! I'm hoping to get the repairs done by Christmas. Gumball Have a great holiday!
  15. Apologies for not getting back to your questions sooner. Seems like I had a bit of problem returning from a camping trip. On the way down from the mountains we got caught in a crosswind with our new toy hauler, with trooper inside. In a matter of seconds we found ourselves on our side in a destroyed Nissan Titan. My wife suffered a concussion, multiple contusions, and abrasions. I ended up wit a number of broken ribs and a punctured lung. The fire department used their jaws of life to cut me from the truck. After 4 days in the hospital from hell in Springerville they released us. It took over 8 hours to collect what was left of all 3 vehicles. Of course the insurance company has already begun trying to screw us. Naturally the Trooper was thrown through the top if the toy hauler. It is now missing the front end so I suspect it is a total loss. We are thankful to still be alive but is doesn't help the pain of losing our toys. Gumball
  16. After doing major damage to the right front of my T2 I found it necessary to realign the front end. The damage was severe enough that it was necessary to replace the control arm mounts top and bottom next to the fire wall. Needless to say it took some tweaking to get the car to track straight. I figured the local alignment shop wouldn't be interested in taking on the job. Being a NASCAR fan I'd heard of stringing a car. The internet has a wealth of information on how to do it. Using this new found information I got out some string, a large square, a tape measure, and went to work. Several hours later and a few (expletives deleted) I completed the task. The Trooper now seems easier to steer and tracks straight with hands off the wheel. I suspect that the alignment was off since I got the car. I highly recommend giving it a try. You too may find your Trooper is steering better. Gumball
  17. Did anyone ever find a source for replacement ball joints? If so, please let us know. I looked on the forum but missed the information if it's there. I need replacements right away! Thank you! Gumball
  18. I'm playing with some KONI 30 series shocks. I intend to put them on the front of the T2. I was hoping I could use the stock springs but that was not to be. To fit over the sleeves the springs need to be 2 1/2" ID. Naturally the Joyner springs are slightly less than that. Forgive me for asking this again but, can anyone tell me what the front spring rate is in pounds. Thank you, Gumball
  19. Hi Mike, Thanks for the input. I'm heading to CA tomorrow I may have some luck there. Gumball
  20. Well, I did it again-broke the front suspension. While riding on a very narrow trail a log jumped out and struck my right front wheel. It hit so hard it pulled the front drive apart and jammed the wheel back into the fire wall. Of course it was where with good luck and lots of $$ a helicopter "may" have been able to lift it out After taking the wheel off, with difficulty, we were able to free up the steering so I could limp back to camp. Needless to say I had a SEVERE camber and toe out problem. The bottom line after some close inspection is I will have to replace the A arm mountings at the firewall top and bottom. They are bent so far the tire hits the firewall on a moderate right turn. I'm hoping someone in trooper land knows where I might get replacement mounting brackets. I'll cut the old ones out and replace them if they are available. I'm hoping I can replace the balls and other innards of the bell housing. I'll call some of the dealers on our list to see what they have available. If anyone has suggestions please feel free to share them. Gumball
  21. Another dealer to add to the list: Rich @ Buggy World 10350 Mission Gorge Rd. Santee CA 92071 619-258-8770 Gumball EDIT - INFO COPIED TO POST #2
  22. Hi Mike, Thank you for your input. I'm a bit surprised, and disappointed that more members haven't come up with dealers for the list. Your advice in the past has been first rate and I'm sure the folks on your list are too. I'll be talking to a dealer in California and will likely be adding him to the list. When looking at the new distributors website it's disappointing that they don't have some dealers posted. It makes it even more important to share information to keep our machines running. Gumball
  23. With the new distributor and many changes in the world of Joyner It would be helpful to have a list of dependable dealers. If you agree please reply with the name, location, and telephone number of a dealer worthy of being listed on the board. Before submitting the information please to talk to your dealer to let them know what you are going to do. This should reinforce there willingness to handle our business. It would be nice if the dealer were a board member. Your personal knowledge of the dealer is important. Hopefully the dealers listed would be a full blown dealers, not one in name only. They should stock, or have ready access to parts needed, and have knowledgeable service people. You might suggest it would be nice if they would offer come incentive to have board member do business with them. If you agree please respond with your dealer information. Kinarfi will pin the list on the board. We have a great network of owners helping one another, why not good dealers? EDIT - All dealer info moved to post #2 - Kinarfi Gumball
  24. Greetings, To answer some question as to how I managed to destroy my shock, here are some details. I was riding in the White Mountains of AZ. We were doing a fact finding ride to show our AZ State Senator some areas that she could help us with. She was my passenger (fell in love with the trooper).Some of the trails we were on had considerable down fall and hadn't been ridden for some time. Some of the downed trees were 3+ feet in diameter. At times the rocks were football size and bigger. It was 4x4 time with locked rear end in these sections. The trail was steep and I needed to carry some speed. Needless to say I must have hit a rock very hard to bend the shock. The Trooper was still drivable. I noticed it was not quite right but we were on to a smooth surface right after the last rocky section. The front shocks are at factory setting. As a point of interest on another subject. A long time riding buddy rode shot gun with me at the recent Eastern Sierra Jamboree in Walker California. He was so impressed with the Trooper that he bought one. Now I guess I get to do the 800+ mile drive to go for a ride with him. I got so many questions about it at the Jamboree that I think I'll make up a spec sheet to hand out at these events. My friend at Buggy World in Santee CA set me up with some stock shocks so I should be back on the trail soon. Gumball
  25. Thank you guys for the spring information. All I need now is $$$$. I'll let you know if I come up with something exciting. I did buy a couple of the blue King copy rear shocks from Tempe and they work great. I should have bought a couple more for my friends. Gumball
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