Hey guys, first would just like to say after reading through most of the posts here that this seems like a real good forum
with alot of friendly, helpful people which is great to see and would like to say thanks to the people who pointed me here. Cheers guys.
I purchased my 09 Trooper T2 about 2 months ago and finally took it out in the bush last weekend with a heap of other guys on bikes.
I found something quite amusing as the day progressed, to start with the guys were all sorta giving me a hard time about the trooper with
smart remarks such as "sure you dont want to just help out around here on the farm carting some hay bails around" then as the day went
by and the trooper made it through some of the roughest tracks, rutts, hills and river crossings they all stoped there remarks and all showed
some real interest in it. As if im gona let them have a drive hahahhaha
I did have a couple of problems however, the aircleaner blocked up BAD and i dusted the engine, now I have had it running today and I know its
early days but it has not shown any signs as yet of valve or ring damage so fingers crossed. I modified the air intake so it is now positioned in the
cab after seeing the mod here hopfully not to late.
Ever since I first started the engine she has had a intermittent miss at idle and has just got worse, now I might be a bit premature in posting as I
havent changed plugs or checked the leads I just thought I would see if anyone else has had this problem.
She also has been running over half tempature and I checked the mounting of the fan and spaced it out about an inch so it uses more of the rad
core which has helped but still runs over half, should I try another sensor?
I noticed that the drive shaft from the box to the front diff was missing the grease nipples on the uni joins and the grease after it warmed up started
to throw out, so if anyone has purchased a new one make sure you check that out.
Has anyone had any problems with there seat webbing coming out, I had to strip my seat and bend all of the clips after one hard ride.
Should i maybe drink less beer or is this common lol.. Please even if it isnt some one lie and tell me its happened to them.
Do you guys mind if I post in some older topics? I know some forums frown upon reviving older threds.