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  1. I'm looking for a 4 wire ignition cylinder switch assy with key for a 2006 Joyner 800 Renegade. I don"t have a part number.
  2. Looking to install 2 inch wheel spacers to a 2023 Can Am Defender. Bolt pattern is 4/137. Who makes the strongest set as I"m pushing the gvw limit and want more stability? Thanks in advance.
  3. I've had to remove and replace a couple axles in the past. Now I just can't remember how I did it. Yes, the spindle and hub is removed. Any trick to help would be greatly appreciated. T I A.
  4. Bought mooseracing ball joints from Pratville powersports . Part #0430-0664 because they said they would fit. Guess what, negative. I installed all 4 without putting the spindles back on over the B J studs. (archery season here in Pa.) The ball joints fit perfect in the a-arms, but the next day when I tried finishing the job is when I noticed the diameter of the stud on these parts are bigger than factory. Ordered factory joints from Joyner USA. Guess I"ll be dragging a bid ol buck this year. Not happy, but I should have done a better job comparing the new against the old.
  5. Thanks Dan. Got them today . Moose raceing. Will install hopefully soon.
  6. Couldn't find in parts and pieces any aftermarket front lower ball joints for an 09 Renegade. Thanks in advance if you can help.
  7. My 09 renegade steering is shot. Any reasonable upgrades been done?
  8. Blown fuse. Rear of pass seat fuse block, lowest fuse.
  9. My 08 renegade overheated yesterday. The cooling fan wasn"t running. I was able to hot wire the fan direct, and it worked. My question is, where are the cooling fan switch and relay located? Any help will be appreciated..
  10. Just called JMC. The recording states that they are "relocating" and will be open Roctober 1. That's all I have.
  11. If anybody has info for a napa or auto zone cap number for a 07 250 sand viper, please share it. Thank you in advance.
  12. On mine [which is at my cabin]. Tank to filter, filter to fuel pump, fp to carb.
  13. Correct.
  14. And the winner is, napa posi-flo #610-1050.
  15. Went to tru value store here in Pa. ilco blank # x105 Ka11. I believe it may be a Kawasaki blank. Anyway it worked.
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