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kandlinaz last won the day on November 3 2022

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About kandlinaz

  • Birthday 10/14/1961

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    Trooper T2, Can Am Defender Max10
  • Interests
    Art, outdoors, hunting, camping, fishing, our trooper!

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  1. Good to hear from ya Rocmoc!! Glad things are going well for ya...so sorry to hear about Lenny and Jeff. Hey, in all your cleaning, you didn't come across a water pump for the T2, did ya? We lost ours last weekend - probably the one and only part we didn't replace on the Joyner. Go figure....
  2. Yeah, it was the time that was the problem. In the end, it took us a lot of time and frustration trying to save time. Oxymoron, I know!! LOL!!
  3. Update gang... Rebuild done, Joyner running beautifully. We also rebuilt nearly the whole buggy. The original color was camo, but that's all faded now to a muddy green. We bought new fenders all the way around, I got tired of hubby throwing cactus and cow sh*it all over me! LOL!! The new fenders are wider than the originals, and help keep that nonsense off of me, from the 12x30's we're running. Also added small rubber mud flaps hubby manufactured for a little additional protection. Now it doesn't sit idle very long...
  4. Well, we found a problem with the crank that probably came from the factory; found gunk in the oil pick up tube caked on the screen; found crap in the oil pan; good grief. This was supposed to have been a rebuilt motor...??? Also, JoynerUSA wants an arm and a leg for the parts list we've given them so far. I'm wondering how much the trade agreement with China and the tariffs are affecting that. Thanks Dwayne, we'll probably be asking questions.
  5. Well, after a bad experience with repairs to our Trooper, Lloyd tore into the engine himself. We originally wanted to save time by hiring the engine rebuild out, but that bit us square in the butt. Remember the discussion about Silverbullet motorsports in Yuma?? Stay tuned....we'll let you know what happens. Has anyone rebuilt the engine in these troopers?
  6. Hey, did you guys from Tehachapi ever get any kind of inventory of Joyner 1100 parts?
  7. Is Casey still a good source for Chery parts?
  8. Sorry for the late reply! We had the engine overhauled. It turned out to be low compression.
  9. Matt thewrench, I sent you a pm.
  10. Without more info, sounds just like our '08 trooper - turned out to be low compression. We had to pull-start it the first time, then it would start all day. When it cooled off we'd have to pull-start it again.
  11. The credit card thing might have been a coincidence, I also understand that. We need a dipstick and brake pads, including the emergency brake.
  12. This is likely ours he's talking about here....we have a 2008 Joyner Trooper T2. We took it to Rich in Nov 2017, with the understanding he would start on it right after the first of the year. Finally after many communications and giving up, we retrieved it unfinished the first of Sept - and the buggy was cannibalized. The engine had been rebuilt, but he did not do the rebuild himself, because he didn't have a mechanic. The engine was rebuilt, he told us by NAPA, however it does supposedly have his custom cam in it. BUT, it's not holding good oil pressure. Still working out what we're gonna do about that. There's supposed to be a warranty on it, but we're not hauling it back down there so the warranty can be honored. He's 5 hrs away from us, and who knows what might be taken off it if we take it back down there. AND, he has no mechanic. As we said, we retrieved it unfinished. The engine had not been installed, the clutch and pressure plate had not been installed, and Rich told us himself he's too old to do the work. There's a Joyner T4 sitting there now that was there when we dropped ours off in Nov 2017. And now there's an Oreion sitting there he says he's working on. Again, he has no mechanic. We retrieved our Joyner the first of September, and Lloyd and our son spent 2 days finding parts, installing the engine, and putting it back together to the point they could load it on the trailer and bring it home. Rich still owes us parts that were not there (gaskets, ignition, etc) and parts that were taken off that should not have been. He claims he has no knowledge of what was taken or why. We don't question his knowledge - but he is ultimately responsible for parts that were removed that he cannot account for. The ignition was gone; the steering column was dismantled and parts missing. And that only scratches the surface....in a nutshell, if you are considering getting Silverbullet to do some work for you, I suggest you do a shop visit first and make your own decision from there.
  13. Good heavens.....Matt the wrench did not exaggerate...AT ALL.....speaking from experience.
  14. I'm a little gun shy using Joynerusa - the one and only time we ordered parts from there, someone also got a new Apple Ipad at our expense. My credit card was jacked. We used to also use Silverbullet, but right now getting parts from him is like pulling teeth.
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