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    Mule 4010

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  1. You need to check drive shaft phasing. Google "drive shaft phasing" or check your manual. It sounds like its binding and wasn't put together correctly. Also, are you 100% sure it is unlocking out of 4x4 ? Signed Kawasaki Mule Expert.
  2. Both of my units 3010 and 4010 hour meter seem to run fast. Although yours shows 1300 hours in reality its probably only 900. Biggest thing to check is that it doesn't burn oil and motor noise..i.e. knock. Check motor compression before buying. Otherwise your good to go. One big problem those units have are the primary and secondary clutch wearing out. If the transmission grinds when going into gear.....most likely the primary or secondary clutch needs to be worked on or replaced.
  3. Whats up with this forum? Seems there are lots of posts,....questions, lots of visits to site.....but no one responds. Are there not that many UTV owners???
  4. after disengaging the 4x4. stop and back up some. this will take the pressure or torque off the diff so it unlocks. They all do this.
  5. Got a brand new 4010 Trans Mule in 2015. Kills the battery after 3 days of no use. What the hell ? Previously I had a 3010 from 2007 and this never happened as it could go weeks without draining the battery. What is it with this 2015 model ??? Is it something to do with the new fuel injection and computer ? I'm just about fed up.
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