Anyone ever try buy a wiper kit for a newer Renegade? Well I did and what a hassle it was until I contacted Borossi Motors LTD in Europe. First I contacted Joyner USA and they flat out told me Joyner doesn't make one. After I found a part number for one for a 2008 R2 800 (I didn't think there could be too much of a difference), I contacted Silverbullit. There I was told we don't use part numbers and basically Joyner doesn't make a wiper kit. So check Borossi Motors and guess what, they actually had one advertized in their parts and accessories. It even had the same part number I gave silverbullit. So I thought I'd give them another chance. This time I got they have to, they use them like cars, I've been in business for 15 years and might of had two calls for wipers, it must be aftermarket, and last but not least Borossi is a good dealer you might as well buy it from them. Well I did, it cost me $155 USD, came in two weeks and plugs right in. The only thing I'm changing is going to silicone wiper blade, don't have a glass windshield.