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  1. What I was told is that they will air freight in the higher wear items first. Then ship over new 2010 units as soon as epa certs are complete. So to answer your question yes they are starting back up again. Ed
  2. I am 48 I live in North Idaho and I am a Can-am Ski-doo and Joyner dealer.

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  3. We talked with them three times today. I was told that they are restructuring and down sizing. They are not moving the tempe based operation and have renegotiated their lease. We all no these are tough times so lets hope they pull through, and not jump to any conclusions. I love being a dealer and have had very good success with this product I would hate to see it go away. Later Ed
  4. This is not true. I just talked with Joyner today and they assured me that they do not intend to close. There has been some down sizing and liquidating of (09) inventory but the utv company is still intact and getting ready for the 2010 season.
  5. Yes I am running the stock rack with Lenny's upgrade. Ed
  6. I can assure you that the tracks will require alot more power than turning the 31" tire and wheel combo. You have to realize these things weigh 85 lbs and are not round they don't roll like a tire and not only that but when you are in 2 feet of heavy snow you have all of the side resistance of that snow when you try to turn. The machine doesn't just float on top it sinks in a certain amount. Think of trying to steer your tires in deep wet cement. Under extreme conditions I have stalled the hydraulics. but that has only happened a time or two. This is why I question whether the electric assit would be enough, if it is that would be great. I think that for most it is the way to go.
  7. I have the latest joyner kit and it is not as touchy as the first but it does rob HP being that it is hydraulic. The reason I chose this kit is because I run tracks in the winter and I was afraid that the electric would not be powerful enough. I have seen atvs with electric steer and tracks not be able to over come heavy snow. If your system would work with tracks I would be very interested then I wouldn't loose HP.Thanks ED
  8. Flatbed I wrote to you awhile back and didn't get an answer or I missed it. Being a newby that could surely be the case. I was told by Lenny that you are the shock guru! So I wanted to know what you thought about the air shocks that King is offering. would they be a good choice or would the dule coil over fox be better. Myself and my customers are not racing just trail riding. I would sure like your advice on this. Thanks Ed
  9. It is in the throttle body and they don't sell parts for it seperately. If you can't get one let me know I have them in stock seen this problem several times. Fast Ed
  10. The problem is in the throttle body the Iac valve is not cycling properly. You will have to go to a dealer and get a new throttle body they don't sell the valve seperately. This valve is on the bottom of the throttle body if you can find a replacement somewhere that would be great. so far I haven't been able to find one. Seen this problem several times. good luck. Ed
  11. They work very well. Iwas just using a set of atv tracks that I already had and they did the job. But this year I am going to run a utv track so it should be even better. will let you know. Ed
  12. No I didn't take any pics of that but I do have pics of the T2 with the tracks on it. I will see if I can figure out how to post them. Ed
  13. Thanks guys and gals for the warm welcome. I have been learning alot lately from reading your posts. The Joyner line up is new to me. but so far I have been very impressed with the product. I know we have issues with these machines but all in all I think the basic product is very good. The first thing I did with my trooper when I got it last winter was install a track kit and hit the snow. It never let me down. Was sure fun towing rhinos two at a time when they got stuck. We are working on accessories and up grades for these machines all the time. If we find out something that is helpful I will be sure to pass it on. Thanks again Fast Ed
  14. Thanks for getting back to me so soon. I see that king has an air shock that has 8" of travel for the rear and 6" for the front. I can get these for 260.00 each. What is your opinion of these compared to the fox emulsion? will a person still get the flex they need.
  15. I am new to tis site hope I get this rite. I wanted to know if you think the stock shocks would work with dual rate springs.
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