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  1. I am looking for a gps system for my 2016 Polaris 1000 Turbo 4 and hoping for some help. I don't know much about gps systems so I'm at a loss on where to start. We ride in Michigan's upper peninsula which has endless unmarked or poorly marked trails. I would like to be able to track my ride and use it to reference the general direction to get back. Does anyone have any suggestions on a product that would do what I need. Phone service is very poor and I would prefer a seperate gps unit. I have looked into Trail Tech gps but they don't make a model for the Polaris rzr. They do have a generic one but wondering if anyone has used it. http://www.trailtech.net/digital-gauges/voyager-moto-gps/912-705 Thanks for your help! Krista
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