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    Kawasaki Mule

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  1. ArkMule


  2. Hello, I have a 2002 Mule 3010 with 1759 hours on it. I got it with about 1700 hours from a neighbor and it had been serviced regularly. It almost abruptly lost all power. Still driveable however, barely moves and ain't going up hills. Immediately I did the following: -air filter change, oil change, spark plug change, fuel filter change, checked fuel, added fuel treatment. when I depress the accelerator pedal it does not throttle up to its max. I checked the throttle rigging and it appeared good. I am able to rev it up at the carbureator. I inspected the linkage and it appeared that the governor spring was worn because it was not holding the throttle. Ordered a spring and changed it but no worky still. It appears to run up and then back off. Any ideas? Am I making sense. I have gone through countless forums and can not find a similar problem.
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