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Everything posted by JeremyH

  1. JeremyH


  2. Took the alt to autozone and they claimed they couldn't test it because they can't tell the machine what the alt belonged to and they don't have the proper wiring to hook it up. I replaced it with a Toyota alt that bolted in but still have issues. The new alt runs up over 15 volts. My thinking is the rectifier/regulator is bad. Sorry for my delayed responses but I work out of town sometimes weeks at a time. I appreciate the offer and will likely take you up on trying to repair the other for a backup. I also noticed after I replaced it and fired the machine up that the fuel pump continued to run after shutting it off. Only way I can stop it is to disconnect the battery. Lots of Gremlins in this Commando. I don't know if it's a short or possibly related to the rectifier/regulator or what.
  3. I will measure tonight. It's 4-5" short. Thanks!
  4. I recently replaced my rear driveshaft on my 08 Commando 650. Unfortunately, the parking brake rotor was welded to the old one, and the new one did not have one. The folks at Joyner recommended just moving the caliper to the rear wheel as there is a second bracket I could mount it to. However, the brake line is too short to reach that bracket, anyone done this reposition before? Are there standard size brake lines and fittings that I can buy to move it? Right now I have it bolted back up to the factory bracket but it sucks to not have a parking brake.
  5. Are you talking about the 69-80 SI alternators? My Commando alt died Saturday. If one of those will bolt up direct I'll stop tomorrow and grab one on the way home from work.
  6. Anyone ever find out the answer to this?
  7. Here is where the break is but I can't see a clip or anything holding the other half in. It won't budge. Any tips?
  8. Thanks. I can see where it's broken. It's right at the universal joint. I'll be pulling it tonight to find out if it's male or female. I'll take pics once it's out.
  9. I just bought an 08 Commander yesterday. Test drive it fine. Got it home and took the kids for a ride. Made it a half a mile and the inboard rear driveshaft u-joint came apart. Called Joyner and they tell me that it's one of two driveshafts. One they still sell and one they don't. If it's the old style one I have to replace the rear differential in order to upgrade. Anyone have experience with having the old one repaired or have one hanging around? Wasn't planning to drop another $1000 in this machine 3hrs after buying it.
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