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Everything posted by Travis


  2. Yeah, it's not supposed to look that way, usually oil turns that color when the engine was swamped with water...
  3. Here is what mine looked like as of about 3 weeks ago.... About another 3 weeks I'll send you pic of the ol'girl running!



    1. Travis


      Please not my custom cup holder made of Duct Tape!??:mellow:

      Engine was still in it at the time...

  4. I did do some reading and some say a bigger muffler would help?!!
  5. Not really
  6. Travis


    It should say in it the year model. FYI. the pic didn;t come through!
  7. Travis


    Do you have the owners manual!?
  8. Hi, all, I am here to say i have found an excellent source for kawasaki parts, It's run by Eddie Babbit. It is called Kawasaki Partshouse. run by Babbits online, Muskegon Michigan. http://www.kawasakipartshouse.com/oemparts Just the other day i ordered piston rings, for my Mule 550, They got here and a Oil ring, and smaller ring were missing from the box, Kawasaki took responsibility for the "Accident" and I had also contacted babbits, and they replied and they said" keep the old rings, order a new set and you just pay shipping" so i got $30 piston rings for 8.95!!!? Free shipping on orders over $50!!!
  9. Brand new one for 60 dollars....
  10. Travis


    What Happened to the original carriers? (bed)? if you don't mind me asking
  11. oh okay! Welcome! ?
  12. OR THIS: http://www.4x4utv.com/product/kawasaki-mule-pro-fxt-soft-front-doors-middle-rear-window-combo-1
  13. TRY THIS, PRETTY EXPENSIVE THOUGH...http://www.sidebysidestuff.com/doors--rear-window-and-top--no-windshield--by-mammoth---kawasaki-mule-pro-fxt.html
  14. I would tighten the governor spring, thats what i did with mine, its a 550 tho
  15. usually the ground wire is underneath that cooling fan, right where the engine mounting bolts are. Kind of below the Oil FILTER I have a 2001 550.. so it may be different.
  16. Go to this website: Kawasaki Partshouse, BABBITTS ONLINE. Shocks are $389 for 2. Brand new OEM. WHATEVER YOU DO DO NOT use a place called. PARTZILLA just a scam... Do you know what year model it is??
  17. Travis


    Is it a KAF 300 C4 OR C5, C5 IS 2001, C4 2000, C3 IS 1999. Etc. Where do you buy parts for it?
  18. Travis


    I currently have mine tore down, Re building the engine...I use mine for work around our small "ranch"..... And driving back and forth at my Grandma's beck, and call..
  19. Travis


    MAN! Nice looking Mule LOVE the lightbar!??? What is the year model???
  20. Hello everybody, I own a Kawasaki Mule 550. I hope by joining i can help some, and learn some. KawieMan550
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