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Everything posted by Travis

  1. and hopefully a fix. still mad at joe breaux, he never brought the duct tape
  2. Went to o'reilly's and got some dielectric grease, i went ahead and cut off the plastic connector from the new Chinese ignition switch, since the same corroding can and will happen in it anyway, so i got some quick disconnects and plugged each wire in individually, also greased the wire where it crimps and where the 2 connectors connect. and then put some waterproof heatshrink over each connection and wrapped it in electrical tape tightly to "dress" it up a little bit.
  3. Shouldn't be that way. Im willing to bet he rigged the throttle linkage straight to the butterfly on the carb and bypassed the governor throttle plate set up, which gives you a nice steady increase of speed. There are plenty of videos on YouTube of setting up throttle on those Predators.
  4. These are the crimper/strippers i use https://www.homedepot.com/p/Gardner-Bender-5-in-1-Automatic-Wire-Stripper-and-Crimper-GS-394/301925039?source=shoppingads&locale=en-US&mtc=Shopping-B-F_D27E-G-D27E-27_11_TOOLS_And_ACCESSORIES-NA-NA-Feed-SMART-NA-NA-New_Engen&cm_mmc=Shopping-B-F_D27E-G-D27E-27_11_TOOLS_And_ACCESSORIES-NA-NA-Feed-SMART-NA-NA-New_Engen-71700000072501775-58700006340111859-92700057208561306&gclid=Cj0KCQjwgtWDBhDZARIsADEKwgMXGYn1uUWeskfeoRcjEjDUoXrlL5CD2VjmFJPU7cJYuy_09dtUFDcaAiVvEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
  5. Heh, never knew crimping the end of those would help hold. Learn something new everyday.
  6. Here's what it looks like now, I put dielectric grease where the wire goes into the crimp terminal. I ran out and I want to put some on the blade connectors themselves. Then heatshrink each individual wire. I also may try to find a big piece of heatshrink to seal this whole unit.
  7. You can see obvious corrosion in the top right terminal That is where the white wire, which is fused and carries power from the battery to the keyswitch. I did a resistance test on that 1 terminal, some instances it would show 0 resistance, and if i moved it some it it would vary from 3 to 9ohms , and a few times no continuity at all.
  8. Acted up some again today.... so while i held the key in start, i kind of fumbled around with the ignition switch wires, on the Wiring harness side plug (female connectors which im about to replace) and i got one of the wires in a certain position once and it cranked over, but i couldn't get it to do it again. but where the plug in is, you have to have small hands to get to it.... maybe i need to fly someone from Kawasaki over here to reach back in there.
  9. The engine in my Mule is a FE290 though it's 286cc....
  10. Mule's are definitely torquey, there are some pretty steep inclines on the property where water runs through and what not, the mule would probably Idle and climb it if it could.
  11. "it may or may not be mine"
  12. Wait what happened? I was getting a bit worried about if it would come back online or not.
  13. Might read through here: https://www.rzrforums.net/threads/2012-rzr-800-4-problems.93397/
  14. no problems today
  15. but funny as heck.
  16. that would be nice.
  17. if it persists, ill replace the female connectors at the Ignition switch (harness side) and Relay. (Or when i get free time)
  18. Welp, almost 2 weeks with no problems, went to go grab some firewood and it clicked 3 times. However i did notice the circuit relay was a bit loose and i pushed it up into the plug a bit further. so maybe that was it. maybe. i doubt it though. Murphy's law is the law of my life. It did fine for 2 starts afterwards. So i guess we'll see over the next few days if it persists. The thing i hate most is it's so freaking random. EDIT: I took a look at the new connector i put on the trigger wire at the solenoid, the dadgum wire pulled right out of it..... I got a new connector crimped on their now and melted some solder down from the top.
  19. Not unless you take a 500 gallon water tank and pump and spray your path while riding
  20. i usually only buy something i can pronounce
  21. Not that i know of. Is there a certain reason you need a standard/manual trans?
  22. try mentioning the word "Lawyer" or "Firm" too.
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