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Everything posted by Travis

  1. Here is the 2 pages of regulator checking. figured i post them up so you can see what i need to do in case i have any questions.
  2. The alternator is working correctly, 43 volts on both wires which is Spec'd. So I'm going to test the rectifier / regulator next.
  3. sure! I'f you're paying! lol
  4. Connections look good, I printed out the troubleshooting, it says most have to be done with a fully charged battery , so I'm charging it. I did a resistance test on the alternator, the spec is between 0.2 and 0.4 I was getting like 23.45 and 22.5.........sooo we'll see. It is 19 years old.....
  5. The 550 isn't showing that it is charging the battery. I've noticed its been sluggish starting. I tested DC at the battery, 11.35 when not running, 11.35 when running. I'm looking through the shop manual at the diagnostic tests to narrow it down. And check all connections. When i took the engine out i had to cut the alternator wires, but i reconnected them with crimp connectors and shrink tube... maybe its corroded.
  6. The Gubments at it again.....
  7. This is a good in depth review.
  8. Could be grinding in the trans, might just try changing the fluid and see.
  9. It's main purpose is to give you high speed stability. So if you just put put around or do mudding I don't see why not. I mean, the engineers at Kaw are smarter than me but a quick Google search showed hundreds of people who have done it and not regretted it.
  10. Most likely a new starter will fix it. The gear should pop up and mesh with the flywheel when engaged. On the lesser end of the spectrum there may be shipped teeth on the flywheel or starter. EDIT, I'm sorry, my eyes skipped right over the "new starter" in your post. Depending on how old it is and where you bought it from see if they'll warranty it. Could also be it is hooked up incorrectly.
  11. I couldn't find any info on the engine. Does it have over head valves with the cam shaft in block or over head cam?
  12. Welcome to the forum Andrey!
  13. I would check for a blown fuse or bad relay, or check to see if you have power to the wiring
  14. For windshields look up Pacific Eagle UTV ,https://pacificeagleutv.com Mike's a real good guy!
  15. I buy Kubota parts from either Coleman Equip. CO., Online or Messicks online. You could also contact them For more specifics. For engine oil, use the correct weight oil (most likely 10W 30 or 15W30) use Shell Rotella diesel engine oil, that's good stuff 👍 I'm not sure about the 3 hydraulic filters, although if it's Power steering,and a hydraulic dump bed I could see where it might have more than 1. The best advice I can give you, search Ebay,Amazon where ever and find a Shop service manual, not a owners manual, but a Service manual. They can run upwards of $60, but it is well worth it!
  16. Glad to hear it! Thanks for the follow up!
  17. It's got a 2,000 pound towing capacity, I doubt it would bend the hitch... and depending on how it attaches a couple of shear pins or bolts would prevent it.
  18. I'd check Ebay....
  19. Is the smoke blue or white? Oil usually smokes blue
  20. It could be a valve seal, usually piston rings won't start all of the sudden like that. Check the oil level to be sure it's not over full.
  21. Looking at the first illustration it looks like it could also clip into the floorboard. And you would kind of squeeze it in and pull up to remove. If that isn't the case call your dealer.
  22. I looked, it was like $200+ if my memory serves me right
  23. Sounds like the pushrods hopped off the lifters.
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