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  1. Moranton


  2. W.E. Rock West Round 2 Three Peaks Recreation Area Cedar City, Utah May 20th-21st Have you ever tried to rock crawl your UTV? It is a new way to challenge your machine and driving skills. You can compete against your buddies on some of the best rock crawling courses in the world. Three Peaks Recreation Area Google Maps: http://bit.ly/2oppytS Pit parking/camping is available for teams only – limited space. Additional camping is available in designated areas within Three Peaks for pit crews/family/etc. Please purchase camping with your spectator tickets. No fire rings, no pallets – all fires must be contained in portable fire pits. BUY TICKETS Use Online Discount Code: WEROCK17 to get 20% off door price Tickets are always available at the gate SPECTATOR INFO Standard Prices $25.00 Adult 16+ 2-day pass $15.00 Adult 16+ 1-day pass $5.00 Children 8-15 Kids 7 & Under Free Military discount (with ID) $5.00 off gate price Dogs must be on a leash. DRIVER REGISTRATION Friday May 19th Tech & Registration 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm -> Tech and Registration If not going to arrive by 8, please call 530-417-5333 to let us know you are still coming. This will help the start of the event to run much smoother. 8:00 pm -> Judges Training Saturday May 20th 7:30 am -> Judges Training 9:00 am -> Drivers Meeting 9:00 am -> Spectator Gates Open 10:00 am -> Competition Starts Sunday May 21st 9:00 am -> Spectator Gates Open 10:00 am -> Competition Starts Shootout at end of Competition Awards immediately following About W.E. Rock The sport of World Extreme Rock Crawling or W.E. ROCK as it is known to our fans is all about challenging driver and machine. Competitors build amazing vehicles to drive over the most extreme obstacles our world renowned course designer, Josh England, can dream up. You will see vehicles perform maneuvers you never thought possible. Conquering large boulders, steep climbs, rock ledges and massive drops, all while avoiding strategically placed cones. Depending on the class the competitors choose to compete in their vehicle must follow some basic build rules and safety requirements. The rules are designed to keep each class fair while allowing the builder freedom to engineer the most competitive vehicle they can. Once on the course the driver and spotter have 10 minutes to navigate 3-4 gates (set of cones) without hitting any cones and as few backups as possible. Each cone hit or backup they take adds points to their score and the team with the lowest score wins. The courses are designed to provide the most action for the spectators throughout the weekend and force drivers to push what they have built to the limits.
  3. Vernal, Utah Mountain Series Round 1 May 13th 2017 Buckskin Hills Motorsports Park 6700 E Brush Creek Rd, Vernal, Utah 84078 Join the event on Facebook BUY TICKETS Use Online Discount Code: DIRTRIOT17 to get 20% off door price Tickets are always available at the gate SPECTATOR INFO Standard Prices $15.00 Adult 16+ $5.00 Children 8-15 Kids 7 & Under Free Military discount (with ID) $5.00 off gate price Dogs need to be on a leash No fireworks All fire pits must be controlled. Bring your own firewood. This property has open riding following the completion of the final race. DRIVER REGISTRATION Friday, May 12th Registration: 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Pre-run No Prerunning Rich will be doing tech during registration, all teams must be teched prior to taking the course Saturday, May 13th Anticipated Start Times Pre-Running 7:00 a.m. – Green flag controls the course, if no green flag, do no take the course. HELMETS AND HARNESSES must be worn during pre-running. 5 mph speed limit EVERYWHERE, except the race course Driver’s Meeting 9:00 a.m. – Racers are expected to qualify in your draw order. Determination of start order for non-pro classes is done based on random draw Pro Qualifying 10:00 a.m. First Dirt Riot race – UTV/Pro UTV 11:00 a.m. 4600/StockTrl/ModTrl 12:30 p.m. 4500/SuperMod Trl 2:00 p.m. Final Race – 4400 Class 4:00 p.m. Immediately following event, awards will be presented. Drivers: Please plan to attend to pick up trophies; cash payments for purse are also awarded for top placements – please review the Dirt Riot rule book. Primitive camping available onsite for teams Hookups also available on first come/first serve basis $20 All persons taking the course must have signed the waiver prior to going on course. Please see Shelley at the trailer to complete your registration and get your wristbands. Registration opens at 4 p.m.on Friday. (Wristbands are provided to all teams: Driver/Co-driver wristband to StkTrl/ModTrl/SuperMod Trl/Pro UTV and Sportsman UTV teams. Driver/Co-driver wristband + two pit bands to 4400/4500/4600 teams. Additional pit bands are $10/each All persons onsite MUST have a wristband/no exceptions Dirt Riot is hosting an off-road endurance racing in Vernal, UT on May 13th. We are looking for volunteers to help set up and work the event. Have you ever wanted to be behind the sense of the events you love to watch? Want free entry to the event and exclusive Dirt Riot t-shirt? Then come help us put on a great show. This is a fun way to help your off-road community grow, get personal time with the professional competitors and best of all get the best seats in the house for all the action. If you are more interested in competing alongside some of the best teams in the country, we would love to have you compete with us. Our classes are designed to fit a wide range of off-road vehicles. Most trail rigs only take a few safety modifications to pass our tech inspection, and they are items every trail rig should have anyways. Check out our rule book for more information! We are looking for course workers with recovery rigs and set up help. As a course worker, you will basically just have the best seats in the house and get a t-shirt for helping out. We will position workers around the course with radios to keep the event coordinators informed about what is happen on the course. You will also need a vehicle with mild off-road capabilities and a reliable winch. If are able come out before the event we would love a hand getting the event site ready. We put on 18 events during the summer months and we cannot do it without volunteers like you. About Dirt Riot What is Dirt Riot Endurance Racing? In short, Awesome! If you are looking for the most fun and competitive off-road racing series that anyone from weekend wheelers to professional race teams can compete in, you have found it. Dirt Riot sets up races all across the U.S. each course and location brings new challenges for competitors. The courses typically range from 4-8 miles in length and each race is timed for 1-3 hours, depending on class, the team that completes the most laps in that time wins. Push your rig too hard and you will not last the full race, drive too mildly and fall behind the pace. The key is to learn the track and know your rig’s capabilities. Spectators will enjoy seeing competitors drifting corners, hitting jumps, and taking on difficult rock sections. Dirt Riot has the same race classes as Ultra4 as well as a few more to allow anyone to bring their rig out and compete. Most trail rigs can pass inspection with little to no modifications. This is perfect for a club trail day, challenge your club members to a full race then stay and watch the pros race on the same course you just did.
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