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orlnd03 last won the day on September 18 2017

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    Joyner Sand Viper 1100cc

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  1. orlnd03


  2. Well, I appreciate all the help I can get. After doing the work I realized that the transmission was not difficult to pull apart or fix, very basic stuff. I just didn't want to brake anything in the process. We put it back together yesterday and in the buggy. This morning after finding an exploded view of the transmission I realized that we put a stop block in the wrong hole, so the trans has to come back out and apart again, which is not a big deal a couple of hours of work will fix that. I'll post pictures of the trans soon. Thank you guys.
  3. I sent Brandon a message I'll keep you posted. Thank you for the link.
  4. That's a negative travis, I've been working and its too hot in southern California right now to be in the garage. I am going to give it a try this weekend. the goal is to have the buggie ready by October. I've called Joyner 3 times with no luck, they keep saying that the technician is busy and he will call me back but nothing. I just need some basic guidance, I don't want to damage something in the trans trying to take it apart. I'll post some pictures this weekend.
  5. Thank you Travis, I'll have to take a look. It would me nice to simply find a manual.
  6. Does anyone know how to take apart a transmission from a sandviper? 1100cc year 2008. I need to change the output shaft. I have the trans out and started to split it in half but something is holding it together.
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