Hello all-
I am having no luck starting my trooper (2009 Trooper T2) and was hoping that someone could help out.
Here's the story:
The last time out, last fall, everything was fine. Gave it a good wash job and put her up for the winter months. I didn't put any stabilizer in the gas, as I thought I would have her out more often, but didn't.
A couple months ago, I got her out and attempted to start, without any luck. Thinking it might be the gas, I took out all the older gas, which works great in the lawn mower, and left her empty until I had a change to mess with it again.
Well, I put a couple gallons of gas in today and had a full charged battery and still can not get her to start. so I checked the following:
-Checked fuses on firewall and behind drivers seat and all seem ok
-Months ago when I tried the first time, I pulled plugs to see if any gas was getting through and from what I remember, I thought they were wet.
-When I turn the key, all the instruments are on and the fan comes on then it sounds like it goes off or silent.
- I only put in a couple gallons of fresh gas, but I have jacked up the front end so what gas is there will go to the back of the fuel cell.
-Called Silverbullet and he said to check the fuel pressure and too see if the fuel pump was pushing anything through. So I pulled off the hose after the fuel pump and cranked the engine, no gas coming through?
- Also, no PSI on the pressure gauge, reads 0
I have very few miles on it and would not think that the fuel filter would be bad yet, but before I go any further, pulling off the fuel pump and filter, I was hoping that some one could give me an idea on what to check next.
I did pulled off the fuse box and no melted wires and the thing was running fine when I parked it to wash it. I don't have any burnt wires anywhere else and the starter is strong. Does it sound like water got in somewhere or ??
I have checked this forum many times for a solution and could not find one yet.
Any ideas/help will be greatly appreciated.