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Everything posted by jkbrown1984

  1. thought about that but to fab one up would be more then the two hundred and so dollars in fuel i would spend in getting to dallas which is what i am trying to avoid
  2. Hey was wondering if anyone had what i would consider a rear driver side swing arm. Used or new doesnt matter and a rear driver side fender in red. i am trying to get out of having to drive to dallas to get my this done under warranty and thought if i could buy these cheaper online i would just do the work myself and know that it is done right
  3. Also a though if you were to get in a bind with the rear wheels and they somehow got pushed forward that hot muffler is going to be hell on that passenger sid tire. Also i am agree with the thought with all the bends in the snorkel probably does have some effect on the amoung of air that is able to be sucked in, Besides on or two good size tree limbs and it would probably get ripped off
  4. Trying to get some days off to go riding on the Red River

  5. yeah well it seems that there is no way in the state of oklahoma to legal tag a joyner to make it street legal
  6. Yes i would still buy my trooper today even with what has happened to the USA Distributor. I have had a few problems with mine and somethings have been a learning experience, but all and all i have had great times with it. For future joyner buyers a piece of good advice though is do not try taking it through any deep mud. With it being a standard shift transmission and having open pressure plates uderneath they will pack full of mud and cost a good deal to get fixed.
  7. Needing some Info. Two months after i got my trooper i took it through some pretty deep mud and in doing so i packed the the pressure plates full of mud making it impossible to actually activiate the clutch. Cost me a good 600 to get it all fixed and replacement of parts. Know i have seen plenty of youtube video and pictures on different forums of people just burying their troopers in the mud, so my question is, is their any modification or any type of snorkel that i could buy or make myself that would allow me to actuall go through some mud without worrying about damaging my trooper.
  8. hey i replaced two different relays in my fuse box for like fifteen dollars from O'Riellys just had to cut some flanges off of the sides of the new ones and the have worked great
  9. Hey i was wondering if anyone that has a Joyner in Oklahoma has managed to get theirs street legal. The tag agency in the little town i live in just opened under new owners and they are completly lost to say the least on what they can actually to with just the cars and trucks much less with my Joyner. Any info from the oklahoma owners would be greatly helpful.
  10. jkbrown1984

    Oklahoma 2009

    Snow Storm in Oklahoma during 24-27 of December of 2009
  11. Thanks have never been there before. Might try to go out there pretty soon.
  12. Thanks for the info. I think it may be too far out of the way for us but, if we decide to have a little mini vacation then that would probably be a good idea.
  13. Thanks for the welcome. I haven't noticed anyone on here from this area but I was hoping I would get lucky. Does anyone have any suggestions for us before we take our Joyner through any more mud and water? So far we had to change out a starter because we packed it full of mud so we sealed the new starter back up with a thin ring gasket material. We sealed our fuse boxes because blew all the fuses and relays by caking them full of mud. We changed out the air filter with a K&N and added a homemade snorkel. Also we spent about two weeks cleaning it and trying to get all the mud off. We just wanted to make sure that we are not overlooking anything that needs to be done before we take it through the next big mudhole.
  14. Hey I am new to this and I just recently bought a Joyner Trooper T2. I have enjoyed reading all the posts about Joyner problems and solutions as my husband and I have had many problems of our own with ours. We live in central Oklahoma and we were wondering if anyone knows of any place close to us that we can go ride. We have tried going to a couple of offroading places near where we live but the Joyner is too wide for most of the trails and it justs gets frustrating having to turn around all the time because the trails are too narrow. If anyone has any suggestions we would be very grateful.
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