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Swampdonkey last won the day on December 2 2018

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About Swampdonkey

  • Birthday 03/10/1986

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  1. Orange springs are the same. You can get different od weight's to go in sheave. Did hot rod sheave drpulley lighter weights and orange secondary spring. Pretty sure it helped but the car that holds clutch in place sheared off in crankcase so not enough riding to tell for sure. Can't find the crankcase so thinking of swapping in a grizzly 660 I have
  2. Swampdonkey


  3. 4 bolts that hold on clutch cage on primary sheave. I lost them ans need sizes and where they go. 2 shorter than the other 2
  4. Swampdonkey


  5. I did my massimo 500head gasket. Hardest part was getting timing chain back on and in time
  6. 02 sensor maybe. Unplug it see if helps
  7. Motorcycledoctor.com
  8. Also put heat cracks in back
  9. Got secondary spring on went for test ride. I'm guessing Primary wasn't all the way on the splined shaft and the nut worked itself off and ground the grooves away inside the sheave. Time to upgrade to a machined sheave from rhino
  10. Gonna be putting on an orange secondary clutch spring to try and help the underpower issue. Fun machine but is a turd when you need to spin the tires quick. Anyone else done any clutch work. Was also thinking about a new machined sheave later.
  11. Started again next day no smoke anx just smells like burning out mud and whatnot. Gonna ride a little today and check oil and coolant 20181105_162843.mp4
  12. Had some gouges in head smoothed out with razor put new gasket in. Seems to be running fine. Had some white smoke out exhaust once warmed up but I believe it from old coolant left in there from original problem. 20181105_162247.mp4
  13. Helped me to tap gas like I was going to take off but instantly hit brake and it would shift fine
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