Getting harder now that Matt is gone. Guy just needed more support or more sales. I will try to help though.
Things you can try to find.
- New Tranny or tranny parts (good luck, I think they were just found but I bet there are only a few put in. Maybe you could find a pre 2015 tranny to install.
- New Sproket could get you 2-3 mph
- Somehow if you can find a way to purchase a pre-flashed ECU but I dont even know if that is possible. Or find someone that can flash your ECU, would get you up toward 9k RPM.
- ECU flash got me to 30 mph. Tranny can get these up next to 50 mph from what I understand.
I am no expert and wanted to try to help. Many of us on this forum were helped by those before us. I certainly hope this crown find some traction. They are very cool little machines that run well.