Hello everyone,
I'm doing an update to a project of mine on the side-by-side/UTV market and I'm interested in your opinions. It's extremely quick and anonymous and I’d be happy to share the results with the community.
Also, as a small token of my appreciation I will be having a drawing among respondents for a $50 VISA giftcard for those interested. It's not much but the most I can offer as a one person team.
Questionnaire Link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MJWTDWT
The research isn't for any of these companies, I am just curious to see the updated opinion of the brands and new models. Thank you very much for your help!
Also, if you are interested in seeing the results from my previous reports they are at the link below. However, please read it after answering the current questions, so as not to color your responses. Thank you!
Previous Reports: