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The Picker

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The Picker last won the day on July 26 2020

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  1. New part ordered.
  2. Ran the engine after and noticed exhaust vapor coming out of a crack in the intake manifold after i stopped the engine after running it for a couple of minutes.
  3. Will try air first and post results.
  4. Just another thought, could you use your air nozzle to try air on the area to see if it changes the engine?
  5. Do not have any thing in trigger spray.
  6. Can i use wd40 with a straw?
  7. Is there a way to test for air leaks?
  8. There looks like a crack in the rubber on the intake gasket between engine and carb.
  9. Have a 400 trv that is back firing and seem to loose gas supply on times and will not idle. It has a new plug and cleaned the air filter. Will air supply to fuel system do this?
  10. Now I have one more problem , the caliber stayed partly on and turned the rotor got red and caliber got hot enough it blew the brake line.
  11. I have a 2011 700 nordik with all new brakes and rotors and master cylinder. My problem is the back brakes are making a noise just like when brake pads and worn down to metal on metal.
  12. I was thinking valves seals. It always starts on the first or second role which would think good compression. How many valves does it have and is there a way to test valve seals?
  13. I have a 2011 700 that smokes blue smoke upon start up after all night mostly and is making away with about 200ml of oil on 80kilometers.
  14. The Picker

    The Picker

  15. It only has a rear center brake system
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