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About blissman20

  • Birthday October 13

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  1. blissman20


  2. More progress today, cut and glued all pipes, and trimmed edge down on the flower pot and built the rain cover supports. Just need to clean up the edges and paint it all
  3. since it seems no one else has done it I might as well be the first lol. i went and did some basic shopping today, need glue and two more pieces tomorrow. So far I’ve removed the old intake which was taped on and worn out. Marked and used a holesaw to where it will come out. The intake will be completely 1.5” abs, coming to a 3” adapter where the cone filter will be attached with a flow pot as a rain shield. More pictures to come tomorrow
  4. Oh ok that’s good then, do you have any measurements for the parts you need, Polaris, arctic cat, Yamaha, Suzuki might have comparable cage and bearings, I have 3 junk Polaris axles here I can measure the cage and bearings on if you need also I came across a dealer in Alberta that stocks some old original parts, they deal mostly in troopers
  5. New to the forum and Joyners. Rode plenty of other machines, even used to ride with Ostacruiser(yes I’m in some of his videos). I have been doing some long over due repairs/modifications/maintenance to my commando. I wired in a new voltage regulator, wired in a new ignition, moved and replaced the choke, wired in second battery(back up) on a switch), slapped on some 30” mudlite XXL and a yutrax rear bench seat for the kids. While doing all this I noticed the intake is rather low and the air cleaner inlet seems to be in a bad spot for sucking in dirt and dust. Has anyone ran a snorkel on these? I’m sure I can’t be the first to think of it. I searched but didn’t find anything. Just a pic of my unit
  6. Not sure if it will fit the trooper or not but I might have found an axle for the 650 commando on alliexpress for 150 Us shipped to Canada
  7. Were you watching me? I literally did that right after lunch (4 hours ago) hahaha. Thanks for the helpful advice! I had a chance to look closer at the axle set up and the previous owner might be onto something. I have a few broken Polaris and Arctic’s axles from my prime Im going to play with
  8. I sent you an email and look forward to your response
  9. Here is the red neckory for the rear axle
  10. Hey guys, just to give you a bit of back story here first. I used to ride big mud machines and SxS in the swamp. Went through a divorce and lost almost everything. What I got to keep was a snowmobile that I had for years and never rode anymore and wasn’t worth much to me so I decided to try trading it for more or less any UTV/SxS I could. Well that landed me here, I just traded it for a 2008 Kandi KD650 which is a direct clone of the Joyner Commando 650. The machine is in rough shape but runs and drives. I have a few things to repair on it. (Seized choke cable, seized Ignition, and needs a voltage regulator). Going to to princess auto today to pick up a choke cable, and ignition, I have a voltage regulator from an old project that I will wire in. The only thing I am wondering about is the rear end. The guy I traded it for told me only one rear tire will spin when in 2 wd. Is that the way all of these are is do I need to rip it apart. Also is there any aftermarket support for rear axles or axles that will fit that can be cut down and sleeved and rewelded. Buddy there did some rednecking with a Polaris axle but not sure how strong it is.
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