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Verno last won the day on March 28 2020

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About Verno

  • Birthday 09/02/1954

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  1. Innovation at its best
  2. Channel locks or a chain wrench
  3. Just a thought. You should have a crankcase vent for the pressure to escape buy it may take more pressure to open. You're welcome.
  4. With a small nozzle could you fill it through the dip tube. I've set up like that to fill a front diff through the vent line.
  5. Look for a round hole about 1 and a half in. Toward the center of the skid plate. The drain plug should be accessed there. Should not have to remove the plate.
  6. 700 miles, bought used. The short setup on the 2017 left with no flex pipe was doomed for problems. The upgrade was done to 2019 models. I welded mine twice before installing the upgrade. Even at the cost and my labor it was worth it.
  7. Wish o had known. It cost me $900 to upgrade my 2017
  8. Normally you can't go wrong with a Honda, but it depends on he previous owner. Heard good things about the CF Moto. Hard choice
  9. Double check exhaust between head and muffler. I had a 2018 cadet 750 that had a crack that caused the same issue.
  10. Contact Craig at Motorcycle Doctor in Camdenton Mo. My complete upgrade kit was a tad over $900. It took about 3 hours. Well worth h it
  11. Craig was very helpful. I also put a yoga mat under the seat to muffler that noise. It all helps. Good luck
  12. Bought the cadet used. No warranty. Got the upgrade at Motorcycle Doctor in Camdenton Mo, close to $900. Dealer was closer to 1300 installed.
  13. The exhaust upgrade does not do much for the noise, it just removes the likelihood of breaking the pipe going to the muffler. Most of my noise cam from a cracked pipe. It helps to duct the air piping from the clutch to the rear of the cab. Both intake and exhaust. Mine runs 5500 rpm at 40 mph. 6000 at 45. The gas mileage was much closer to 25 mph.
  14. Ditto. Motorcycle doctor is a great resource for parts and knowledge. Very friendly and helpful.
  15. Wow, now I'm glad I traded mine out at 1800 miles and 120 hours. I was wondering if I made the right decision. Mine never gave me a bit of problems other than the exhaust. Sorry to hear your problems.
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