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  1. I have a 2017 Hisun Vector 500 that had the yoke assembly from the rear differential to the drive shaft go out with about 175 hours. cost me about 240$ parts and labor. I also had a fuel injector go out on it with about 130 hours on it. If I had it to do over again, I would have stayed away from these Chinese made buggies and paid the extra for a Kabota Diesel.
  2. Mine was a faulty fuel injector. Less than 150 hours on it. Now its making a loud thumping noise from the differential. Hope its just a drive shaft u-joint. Not impressed with the Hisun at all.
  3. Gregory


  4. Just wandering if you found the cause of your problem? I have a 2017 Husun Vector 500 with similar issues. Thought maybe I had bad fuel, but have ran a new tank of fuel and still have the problem, runs Ok when cold but after it warms up, it sputters and bogs down when accelerating. Also has a bit of backfire going on when you let off the gas pedal as well. Thanks for any help you may be able to provide.
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