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  1. Williamson


  2. I’ll have to check them tomorrow. Would that cause it to loose a lot of power? If it was off by a little.
  3. Metal shavings came from the rod bearings; everything below is new besides pistons and rings which are in great condition. Attached are some pics. The valves seem to open all the way a close all the way too.
  4. Yes; the 1100cc Joyner’s have the same motor. I know the problem is probably in the head but I’m not seeing anything. A new complete head is $450 from China; and that’s not including shipping.
  5. First I’m going to start off by telling you how the problem started. I have a XY Ground Pounder with the 1100cc Chery Engine; I sunk it in a mud hole and had water up middle ways of the muffler; about 10 seconds of being stuck and hitting the gas all of a sudden the motor started making a tapping noise that sounded like it was coming from the head (the buggy never died while I was stuck on the mud hole). I finally got pulled out and had to proceed to drive the buggy out the rest of the trail back to my truck (buggy still making the tapping sound and I lost about half of my power and had to keep the buggy going at around 4,500RPMS). I got the buggy home and first thing I drained the oil and dropped the pan to find water, dirt and metal shaving in the oil. I proceeded to check the rod bearings and mains; they had very little play but had a lot of wear; I also took the head off and inspected everything and took the pistons out everything looked fine up top. So I ordered a new crank, main bearings, rod bearings, head gasket and bolts; after waiting for a month for the parts to come in I finally got the block and everything clean and put the new parts in and torqued to spec. I got it all put back together and new fluids, plugs and filter put back in and everything aligned and put back in time while TDC. I started the buggy and instantly it’s still doing the same thing; so I took the head off and inspected the springs and valves but everything seems to be good. I also did a compression test on each cylinder with great readings. Has anyone ever had the same problem or know anything? Thanks for taking your time to read.
  6. Thanks Dan B for all your help. I'll probably just order them from AliExpress.com 12-20 day shipping to the US and hope I don't get screwed over lol.
  7. Yeah it's the 1100cc Chery Engine; I'm just having trouble finding parts here in the United States; I've tried calling Joyner USA and can't get through; I also sent a email to Joyner USA and got a reply and they was supposed to check to see if they have the parts in stock and price and that was 3 days ago and haven't gotten a email back. Have you or anyone had any experience ordering from AliExpress.com or Klung-Motor.com? They seem like they are the only places that have the parts.
  8. Anyone know where I can get engine parts for the Groundpounder 1100cc besides straight from China? I need connecting rod bearings but can't find them anywhere. Thank you for your time.
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