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  1. we use our Mule fxt 820 to plow snow. It has been fine of the last two years. We have it serviced every spring. This year it started to cough and cug on the uphill part of the plowing. We would let it cool down then it would seem OK for a while. There is no way to get it off the mountain in the winter, so we started trouble shooting ourselves. We found that the vacuum holes had failed, so we replaced them. then we replaced the fuel filter. Those things did the trick It is running fine now. We are disappointed that these things were not a part of the serve last spring, the service manual doesn't include these items as standard Maintenace, which I think is odd. By the way, we purchased the Service manual, which was very expensive. I used to write technical manuals before I retired. This manual it probably one of the worse I've seen., the layout is terrible. References between sections don't include page numbers and the titles are sketchy. Kawaski hire a professional writer. Anyway, if you are having problems with power or cugging, try the vacuum hoses and fuel filter.
  2. Count yourself lucky, our first service in 2020 was a little over 1000 here in Colorado. We have it serviced once a year and it is always somewhere between 800 to 1000 every time. We love our mule it does most everything we ask it to do, but it is a high Maintenace buggy.
  3. Jean


  4. Update on the status of our 2020 Mule purchase. We had to undp our loan. The credit union couldn't support a loan on a unit that was no in our possession and not insured by us. Our dealer called us last week. and said that the parts were approved by the FCPA and the they should be coming in soon.- next 2-3 weeks. So if all things go as expected we should have our mule by the first part of April. we, of course will have to redo the loan.
  5. We are having the same trouble. We purchased a 2020 Kawaski Mule Feb 1st with the understanding that this was a short term problem. However it isn't a short term problem and now we are having all sorts of problems with the Credit union that we got the loan from. They want insurance on the mule but the insurance company won't insure it until until the unit has been delivered to us. We may have to cancel the loan. When we talked to the dealer they tried to help, but I feel that they shouldn't have sold us a unit that was on stop sale from the CPA. The CPA could take a year or two to clear up the problem. There are actually two stop sale issue on the mule the oil filter and the steering bearing. The oil thing is an engineering issue with the engine; Kawaski has that fix in the CPA for approval. The steering bearing is a part manufacture issue. The part was poorly made in China and broke off in use. Now Kawaski will have to find another manufacturer (hopefully not in China). If they wait for China then they are also waiting for the Corona flu thing to get better too. Kawaski corporate has not been straight forward or helpful with these issues. They are unwilling to put forward any time frame for the fixes and have been very slow in giving their dealers/customers the information they need. I have no idea when or how this will be resolved. I thought that i had done a good job for finding a reliable company to work with but am not so sure now. For those of you who have had your mule for some time? Are they reliable? Is this just a hiccup, or is Kawaski not a reliable company?
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