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Everything posted by scimaro

  1. Does anyone know of a replacement for a shifter cable Joyner Trooper t4
  2. Does anyone know of a replacement or has replaced the shifter cable.. it snapped right at shifter. Red cable?
  3. @mixfixdave thanks for the pics, sorry for the late response. I hadn’t noticed you had responded back. Right now im having problems with my trooper it wants to stall when I give it gas. So I’m working on fixing that currently. thanks again Scott
  4. Do you have any more pics.? I tried buying a kit with silver built but couldn’t get a price once I got a price , couldn’t get them to ship .
  5. scimaro


  6. Charle, Where in NH do you go? I live in NH but live 5 min from MA. I have 2009 T4 trooper and really only take it on the ice in the winter and plow with but would really like to start taking it elsewhere.
  7. Anyone with automatic trans for trooper?
  8. Ok, does anyone have an answer to why I cannot shift gears when the temp drops below forty degrees? I know most of you Joyner owners live in the south, so I'm hoping someone traveled to the north and can help me fix this problem. Otherwise, does anyone know where I can get a cheap auto transmission?
  9. What is the cost for power steering on a trooper t4?
  10. Are these for or will they fit in a joyner trooper t4?
  11. By any chance you still have a soft top for a trooper t4?
  12. I've noticed that the teamjoynerusa web site is now under construction. Have they found a new distributor?
  13. Has anyone tried ordering anything from teamjoynercanada? Looked at their site today not much stuff when it comes to parts and accessories.
  14. I had to cancel my order for an enclosure two days ago. I was really hoping that I would have received it before they closed their doors. Also still waiting for rods to fix my steering that broke. Dealer ensured me that they would get parts needed. I hope to be on here someday talking about how great it is driving my trooper. Ice has already melted on my lake. So I guess there's always next year.
  15. enclosure I still have not received the parts from Joyner to fix my steering rod. I call there and no one answers. I've been dealing with Mcoys where I bought the plow and enclosure from. Supposedly the person the dealer was dealing with quit and no one took over what he was working on.
  16. This is the same guy I emailed regarding warranty work and he told me he does not work on Joyner vehicles. From info I found it doesn't look like I will be able to reg as a car without it meeting federal safety standards.
  17. Looking up NH law and it states that vehicle must meet United States Department of Transportation motor vehicle safety standards. Do you know where I could find this info out? If it is a will be able to reg in NH. Thanks for the reply
  18. Does anyone have or know of a bench seat for the t4? If so where can I get one?
  19. Thanks for the help and pics, I noticed on other posts that some people were having problems with fan blowing in the wrong direction. So I decided to check mine. It appears that my trooper is blowing away from the radiator. Is this right? Shouldn't be blowing air towards it?
  20. I live in NH. Were you able to drive your Trooper on the roads? I registered my trooper as an ATV. Debating on trying and register as a car.
  21. Same as you I really liked the look of the renegade over the trooper. However, decided with the trooper for engine size.
  22. Has anyone else ordered the hardtop for the t4? I placed an order for one last month when I bought my trooper but was told it was on back order. They told me that they have multiple orders and that i should buy one to in sure I would be one of the first to receive it. Also does anyone have one now and how do they like it. The only reason why im buying one it because my kids are small and it cold where we live.
  23. I am also new, My trooper only had about thirty miles on it before it over heated. Since buying my trooper a month ago I've had problems from the time it got off loaded from the truck. With shifting gears. It appears the colder it is outside the harder it is to shift sometime not even able to shift into first or second. First time plowing my driveway it over heated. Second time plowing driveway, bracket where plow is screwed into bolt holes gave away causing plow to smash into steering rods snapping one. Joyner is sending parts to fix steering. I live in NH and we do not have a dealer or authorized repair shop. The only supposed repair shop told me he doesn't do work for Joyner. Dealer from GA where I bought it from told me to take it to local repair shop and they will take care of it. Let's see how that goes.
  24. scimaro

    Towing boat

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