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Chris Howland

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Everything posted by Chris Howland

  1. Here is the Service Manual for the 2017 Cub Cadet Challenger 750 and it is compatible with the Hisun 500/700 manual as well. I paid $45 for it but I want to share with everyone because they are a pain in the ass to find. Enjoy! 17-18_HS500-7_SMAN_PDF.pdf
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  2. For anyone looking for this information in the future I did find the Valve clearance specs for adjusting them. Intake Valves-.08-.12mm Exhaust Valves-.12-.15mm Make sure you are at TDC when making the adjustments.
  3. Hi all, Im looking for the valve clearance specs for a 2017 cub cadet challenger 750. Any help would be appreciated.
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