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Joe Breaux

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Joe Breaux last won the day on January 25

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    2 Classic Corvettes 4 boats.. and NO WAY I WANT A BATTERY POWERED ANYTHING .. I thank you if you do, because theres MORE GASOLINE FOR ME

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  1. I know only one friend with a RZR .when it runs , it's fast. He leaves us in the dust..however. it spends more time in the shop than on the trails. Just my experience.
  2. Sorry. Never saw it...
  3. So the op did not actually chose from his list..interesting that someone chastised us for not limiting our suggestions to those specific units?..hmmm.....kinda narrow minded
  4. Glad to see you return and report solution.helps the next guy..👍
  5. Welcome and thanks for your service and sacrifice. You are a true patriot
  6. Yeah we Massimo sucker's learned the hard way about their disgusting no warranty ever policy..no shop in my state will touch one unless you pay cash up front. I threatened lawsuit and they laughed at me..good luck suing china
  7. I was utterly shocked that mine started yesterday at 3 degree temp. And a foot of snow on it. But it did and ran well. Must be all the YAMAHA parts I have put in it
  8. We are in shock..no clothes for this and certainly no snow plows
  9. We blew up all time record low..we hit 3 degrees this morning . We have snow drift 2 ft high...Yeah,that global warming is a b.tch..
  10. we are snowed in here.. 9 to 12 inches and well digger but cold.. Curfews from 5pm til 7am.. no driving . Last time this happened was 1895... It aint supposed to snow it the swamp...lol Stay warm... hope we dont lose power .now . that would suk🤬
  11. Yep, it's freaking snowing in the swamp!! He'll has frozen over. My MSU 500 has been tearing up the property pulling kids on tube's in the snow..ain't got no hills to slide down so we improvised. Ton of fun .Wind chill of 13 degrees!! Global warming my ars..haha
  12. You are among the fortunate few..enjoy
  13. it's definitely Chinese. There are assembly facilities in Dallas for some.
  14. could be Just One.. memory is fuzzy at 70 .. I will have to check the package.. Its a yellow color.. Stuff is deadly to rats.. It will kill a dog so take precautions where you place it
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