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Joe Breaux

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Everything posted by Joe Breaux

  1. Even Kubota has its problem units..I know a guy who's unhappy with his Maserati..😯
  2. You , my friend, are one of the lucky few ..Most of us Massimo/Hisun owners have suffered the chronic issues with no support from Massimo whatsoever..Mine is now. Reliable ....but it took some effort and $$$$..
  3. We eliminated the thermostat and according to Hisun back when we were pulling our hair out with overheating, their rep told us they stopped using thermostats and relied on electric fan to control warm up. 5 years now mine has none. At all.....it works here..but we don't have snow and below zero temps to deal with. Takes a little longer to warm up but has never overheated again.
  4. I sure wish you had been around back when I was fighting with mine .I was at the mercy of the only mechanic in my state that would work on these..He was good but slow as paint drying. I learned a lot from him and have managed to keep mine going since. Glad to see you taking the time to help this guy.. We need more members like you.. Thanks from all of us dumbazzes that bought Massimo/ Hisun
  5. Sounds like my Massimo...it was in the shop so much , it was like they owned it and I was just borrowing for a weekend..But Massimo never paid the warranty claims..not one.
  6. Hondas seem to be the most reliable..if you want it for working, I would look at Hondas
  7. Got me..if it was running rich it should smoke black.and it shouldn't smell like sulphur..if it has exhaust pressure there no restrictions. Good fuel...I'm out of ideas. Pull the spark plug..if it's wet or black it's flooding. Should be a dry tan color
  8. Cats don't work like that..what kind of fuel are you using? Old ? Any additive in it? Like octane booster? Should you be running premium? Put you hand behind outlet, feel pressure? If it's weak, there may be a blockage. Any smoke on start ?
  9. Going out of business? Sounds suspicious .That's a big rebate..read details carefully
  10. Usually when they. Stick, it's closed and stays closed
  11. Since it's designed to go thru mud and water, I can't see how you can hurt it .Just don't spray into the air filter box.I pressure was my UTV and Atvs after each use to prevent corrosion
  12. There should be oil pressure there to trigger the light so I don't see why you can't tap that for mechanical style gauge
  13. Make sure your cooling fans is working
  14. Sadly, we only have 1 independent shop in my state that will work on anything Hisun....bout 50 miles from me..cash only.
  15. I know only one friend with a RZR .when it runs , it's fast. He leaves us in the dust..however. it spends more time in the shop than on the trails. Just my experience.
  16. Sorry. Never saw it...
  17. So the op did not actually chose from his list..interesting that someone chastised us for not limiting our suggestions to those specific units?..hmmm.....kinda narrow minded
  18. Glad to see you return and report solution.helps the next guy..👍
  19. Welcome and thanks for your service and sacrifice. You are a true patriot
  20. Yeah we Massimo sucker's learned the hard way about their disgusting no warranty ever policy..no shop in my state will touch one unless you pay cash up front. I threatened lawsuit and they laughed at me..good luck suing china
  21. I was utterly shocked that mine started yesterday at 3 degree temp. And a foot of snow on it. But it did and ran well. Must be all the YAMAHA parts I have put in it
  22. We are in shock..no clothes for this and certainly no snow plows
  23. We blew up all time record low..we hit 3 degrees this morning . We have snow drift 2 ft high...Yeah,that global warming is a b.tch..
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