few hundred miles IF you dont need to run A/C or heat.. then its cut in half. and what if theres no where to plug in when you get there ? bring 10 miles of extension cord? and why do people think its cost free ? the 240V electricity for up to 8 hours for recharge aint free. Batteries last maybe 4-5 yrs.. cost $10K for new ones!, And then theres the autonomous driving ones that get confused by any flashing light and crash into Fire Trucks, Ambulances, Road Construction signs .. I would never trust my life to a car computer to drive me 70 mph. This tech is NOT READY FOR PRIME TIME
yeah right... well its damn hot here, its ALWAYS damn hot here.. We only have 2 seasons.. We have SUMMER and then we have JANUARY ...and then SUMMER again ... Right now we have NO GASOLINE .. cant find any anywhere .. I had 25 gallons for my generator but had to use it in my truck. I just wonder what all those ELECTRIC CAR owners are doing since there been no electricity for 9 days .. Push them maybe?
well damn... now a frickin starter went on a 5 year old Honda RECON ... must be the heat... Honda wanted $385 .. thats insane.. its 4 inches long .... Got one on Amazon.. $39 .. spins the crap out of it. ...I think I might try to find brushes for the OEM , rebuild it and save for another day..
yep, the second time we used a Yamaha gasket with a new head.. and waterpump . the OEM head cracked from the extreme heat it was running.. Fan would engage at 245* .......and the sensor was on the return side of Radiator..so imagine how hot the hot side was. AND THAT WAS WITH NO THERMOSTAT!! STOP THAT HEAT, your engine lives
Its most likely a blown head gasket.. very common on Massimo s .. mine did it twice!. You can find some parts online but it takes awhile to get . As for SERVICE...thats a problem.. Most ATV/UTV shops wont touch them.
yeah.. Been there done that. a couple times . Its weird ..it all stops for half hour then reverses wind direction.. I ve been thru a lot of these growing up here.. It much safer if you dont live near Bayous, creeks, rivers or coastline. Its unbelievable to see water rise 10-15 feet in just minutes . I have friends that live in Belle Chase..only 300 yards from Mississippi River Levee, Been rescued by helicopter OFF THIER ROOF three times now.. I keep asking...WHY DONT YOU LEAVE? But they refuse
BOY, we dodged a bullet.. at the last minute it hooked north.. we got minimal damage and brief power outages.. Dont know yet about my place at Whiskey Bay. its 50 miles closer to where EYE passed. New Orleans was DEVASTATED! 20 inches of rain and 150mph winds .. It looks like Afghanistan after a Biden withdrawal
oh yeah, probably 70-80 mph wind and 3-7 inches of rain .. and of course the power will be off for 2-3 days.. we do have a generator though and plenty beer
yeah, 155 mph winds.. its a mean bitch. should be named Kamala, blowing that hard.. Good news for us is that its wobbled east about 50 mile away from a direct hit on us..
thanks buddy.. I just watched the latest track predictions and its wobbled slightly more east .. Maybe we will only get 90-100 mph wind.. We can survive that I think. We shall see by Monday Morning when the bitch is done
well, tomorrow is the big day.. Cat 4 hurricane Ida is coming to visit.. projected to pass right over my place at Whiskey Bay.. with 140+ MPH WINDS .. The devastation will be shocking..
Me too, I lost every one of my guns into the collapsed Diamond Crystal Salt Mine while fishing on the lake above it.. accidently dropped all of them overboard when I caught a huge fish and his tail slapped the crate they were in overboard.. Its estimated to be over 2000 feet deep.. If they want to go diving , go for it.. Theres an Oil rig down that hole and tug boat and barges
they may not like what they find. In the words of Bruce Banner.. Dont make me angry..... YOU WONT LIKE ME ANGRY ....lol and I can shoot so close to a gator that he will crap himself..lol
its a misdirection tactic.. . I pay someone to type for me, using a burner routed thru 27 satellites ... I also encrypt it using 2000 yr old secret language, Pig latin.. They will NEVER figure it out.. Hey, they took 7 years to find Osama living next door to Police Academy.. They couldnt find Hillarys emails on Computers when they were stacked in the corner of the WH... They still haven t found Hunters laptop while every news channel has had it for a year. They are not the brightest bulbs in the room
lol jokes on them.. I AM NOT HOME! They can try to find me in the Sherburne Wildlife Area/ Indian Bayou Nat Forest ... about 100,000 acres .......good luck with that.. Besides, I doubt they give a crap about Giggles Harris .. She spends all her time in the ORAL Office