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About rpyne

  • Birthday October 2

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  1. rpyne


  2. I found it! For anyone else that may have this challenge, it is BEHIND the battery. Nice and easy to get to for troubleshooting (not).
  3. I have been going through the troubleshooting in the manual (pages 17-38 and 17-39), but I can't find anything that looks like the picture in the manual. If I run power directly to the pump, it will start and run but otherwise won't start. Any help to this old nubie will be greatly appreciated. My background is electronics, not vehicles. --Richard
  4. I'm new to UTVs and here out of necessity and desperation. I'm a partner in a quarry and we bought a 2007 Kawasaki Mule 3010 Trans4x4 KAF620J a couple years ago and are having some fuel problems.
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