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MitchSpence last won the day on November 9 2024

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Community Answers

  1. Cue Joe Breaux answer. I agree with Joe.
  2. I gave up on the solenoid search and the terrible bucking under low acceleration. I bought a new Can Am Defender. I'll let you know how it does. Cheers.
  3. Thanks. We need you.
  4. I am looking for a solenoid. You'd think it would be easy. But nooooooooo. 2020 is the year of my 400 Buck.
  5. Thanks, Howard. I called Massimo direct today. The tech guy said call Partsboss because Massimo corporate didn't have the part. Okay so I called Partsboss. They said call Massimo. I said they told me to call you. They said, oh, we are not handling Massimo parts. Sooo, that was how my day went. Howard, if your dealer has my part let me know, I will have you Knighted in the Kings Court. Remember folks, this is a 4 year old vehicle.
  6. I have a Massimo Buck 400 2020 model. It is not starting and I am pretty sure it is the solenoid. Anyone know where I can get part? Ebay and Amazon have one but with a different connector. Anybody?
  7. Let us know where you find it.
  8. Okay, good to hear Good luck with your fix. 😁
  9. If it is the relay or the fuel pump, where are you going to get replacements? I am curious. 😁
  10. Startron is a good brand.
  11. Look at John Deere and Kubota.
  12. Are you sure you want to spend the time, money, and stomach acid to raise the Titanic? You may want to bite the bullet and pick up a quality UTV. Just saying. 😎
  13. Joe, yes I can verify all you said. Best of luck with your new vehicle!
  14. Just curious, Joe, what did you buy?
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