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  1. You bet, hope it helps someone out some day Thanks mixfix, yeah I did see silverbullets posts about shims but don’t think I heard if anyone had success with them or not, so I figure I’ll make some and try it out to see if it fixes that small bit of play good to know your getting that many kms out of bearings even with a bit of play! Thanks Doug
  2. The ball joint stud on the aftermarket joint is slightly larger diameter then the Joyner ball joint where the stud fits into the knuckle you have to Reem or drill the knuckle to accommodate the larger stud on the aftermarket ball joint. i also drilled my pinch bolts out to 3/8 so I could make sure the joints studs are Pinched in good and tight and that the bolts actually go thru the groove in the ball joint stud But I’m still wondering does anyone have info on shim size for wheel bearings to get rid of play in wheel bearings my wheel bearings are new skf and press into hubs perfectly, but still have play when the axle nut is tightened up because there doesn’t seem to be preload on them. I have read other posts about shims but don’t see where to buy them, what sizes needed, who has made their own, or anything available in Canada Any input on solutions appreciated thanks
  3. If anyone else is looking for what appears to be decent quality ball joints, fits 2008 t2 you do have to teem/drill the knuckle to fit the stud part but the ball joint presses into control arms perfectly on mine does anyone have info on shim size for wheel bearings to get rid of play in wheel bearings my wheel bearings are new skf and press into hubs perfectly, but still have play when the axle nut is tightened up because there doesn’t seem to be preload on them. I have read other posts about shims but don’t see where to buy them, what sizes needed, who has made their own, or anything available in Canada Any input on solutions appreciated thanks
  4. Thanks for the extra information, I’ll try that.
  5. Hi Kenfain, thanks for the reply. No not lifting it, just looking to replace ball joints and rear trailing arm bushings, having a hard time locating ball joints, especially in tumbler ridge Canada lol I assumed others have ended up using aftermarket ones that are better quality then the stock ones, but I guess that’s not the case as no one has any input on aftermarket suspension parts that fit trooper. I have plenty of clearance on this one with 30 inch MaxXis Zillas I have almost 17 inches So no problem there but thanks for the input all the same, greatly appreciated! take care
  6. Hi, I’m new here. I’ve read a lot of strings about aftermarket parts, but not a lot is 100% clear if it works or doesn’t so I’m asking for anyone’s input on aftermarket ball joints that fit 08 trooper T2 and aftermarket rear trailing arm bushings Any info on part numbers or specific brands would be greatly appreciated! thanks, Doug
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