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T Hudson

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Everything posted by T Hudson

  1. Hi Margrabia, I know your frustration, changed my cat diesel out with Kohler gas engine. Right I would only get a penny for every dollar spent. Are you willing to sell your machine.
  2. Let me know if your parting out parts. I need cv axles.
  3. Hi Waco, I'm not sure of spring tensions but what is the model number and horse power of your engine?
  4. Hello Alywiski, you might be able to help me. I have a 2006 cub Cadet with diesel engine. The diesel went out and would like to replace with a gas engine. Can you tell me what size and model Kohler engine is in your UTV. Replacing the diesel engine would run about $7,000.00. Replacing with a Kohler gas engine may be $3000.00 at the most. Thanks T Hudson
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