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  • Birthday 11/30/1944

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  1. I have not installed it yet. But it would need to be installed where it can be accessed by hand with two brake lines run to a brake line going to the UTV's brake line. It would be like cutting the brake line and installing the valve. How it works is you put pressure on the brake fluid with the brake pedal, activate the valve and it holds the pressure, thus holding the brakes, until you depress the brake pedal again that releases the valve and thus releases the brakes when you let up on the pedal.
  2. I AGREE. The E1 is, for me, a very useful tool. I do not like small gas engines, so the electric engine is great. Around my 20 ac. I do not need anything more.
  3. https://www.ebay.com/itm/364844347393?_trkparms=amclksrc%3DITM%26aid%3D1110006%26algo%3DHOMESPLICE.SIM%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20231207125618%26meid%3D5bed88f4806b40d4b9f443d58a73eae5%26pid%3D101875%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D12%26sd%3D334165176179%26itm%3D364844347393%26pmt%3D1%26noa%3D0%26pg%3D2332490%26algv%3DSimplAMLv11WebTrimmedV3MskuWithLambda85KnnRecallV1V2V4ItemNrtInQueryAndCassiniVisualRankerAndBertRecallWithVMEV3CPCAutoWithCassiniEmbRecall&_trksid=p2332490.c101875.m1851&itmprp=cksum%3A3648443473935bed88f4806b40d4b9f443d58a73eae5|enc%3AAQAJAAABcEnLatTXWXNAKPRnYtxVTXN2rJD11TMrqd%2Bc4NcqE%2BNGk6ejyqiKoKTZm%2BWiG7rLUKnmQT96yLmgza78VpCainYj%2Fcd7BbF%2F3JO7HSXt2n3iFYDbns8rSMT0idXbcmlMHWKniLK2o5tYYPmM8KWpVo95tWt2nTiQXMqmKRIMl5gAplMB1Ggx6kVqfXRetLAgGNd3bPDXvmUupVaetP5clcTBUS7lxlKtFFjwlghOPDbbsjz4nIXjRH8VZ%2FNoh%2B6HSp5UaGOKvNPi%2B01dB0VGzV77YoCnhuj7hloBrXvccSyg0QMzhaA%2Fp%2B%2Bqs%2BSWOr%2FyUsscviFiHHQ8fETs07ePo4h8u0BDx190l%2ByYzGv%2B1ifRhQXShliCoXSugvwtPdOicqmrRV1PEDkUylRnArr1V51n0VskofWuPG1xd8vTPHcUMeGvX0qkbmTOK3vPr%2BRY%2BeAfTclgJ7IFBqwmYYLwvOIjHi%2BXwGJxmjq9UreTEgJy|ampid%3APL_CLK|clp%3A2332490&itmmeta=01JEC2VSXY6PN884CTMBQA3N1G
  4. No, I don't have any problem with the brake light switch.
  5. The parking brake is a piece of CRAP! I recently purchased a brake line switch/valve that will lock up the brakes when activated. Race cars use them. I am going to install it in the Spring when it is warmer. Right now I do not park it on any inclines without putting a block under a wheel!
  6. Yep. Replaced the battery charger with a 48 volt charger from a golf cart. Found one on eBay. Works like a charm. Did not mount it where the old charger was mounted because it was difficult to get to so I mounted it in the area under the hood. I also cut a hole in the frounk for better air flow.
  7. Yes, I checked tht fuse. There is no power coming from the charger. There is power going to the charger, but nothing coming out! I am going to pull the charger and check it out.
  8. Yesterday my Hisun Sector E1 stopped charging when plugged in. Anyone one have an idea of where to look for a problem?
  9. The 12 battery was replaced last year. It is in good shape. Actually I checked the voltage going to the solenoid and it is 24 volts. So it must get its power from half of the drive batteries. I made a small 3/8" hole in the plastic area of the solenoid and sprayed contact cleaner in the contact area and then blew it out and cover the hole with a plug. So far everything is working as it should.
  10. The batteries will last longer if you keep a charge on them about once a week. I would suggest you use a timer to charge every ten days or so when parked. The batteries are expensive and you do not want to have to replace them. I am on the original batteries now for four years and I charge once a week all year around..
  11. Thanks for the suggestions. I had read the manual for the diagnostics on the code. I have checked and cleaned all the visible electrical connections. Although I have seen no corrosion, I applied an anti corrosion spray and cleaner. I have also checked all electrical connection for tightness. Right now it is working fine. I will wait and see what happens in the future. I am in the fourth year of having this E1 and except for the parking brake never working well, even though it has been in the shop for a repair, it has been a very reliable vehicle. I the idea of the EV, for I have owned an EV car and two hybrids, but I am concerned about how sensitive all the electronics are and the fact that there are few techs that can repair them. Fortunately I am both a retired auto tech and a retired IT so I do have a few insights into their workings.
  12. I am having an erratic issue. Sometimes the solenoid/relay does not activate when switching on the power. Thus the electric motor does not work. You can hear the solenoid activate because it is right under the seat in the middle. The solenoid/relay connects the batteries to the electric motor circuit. When it fails at making the connection I get a 54C3 code on the display.
  13. The parking brake on this unit is a JOKE. It is a very crude disk brake on the drive shaft. I can imagine that it could NOT release if left engaged for a long period of time. But since it rarely works well I do not think that would be an issue, unless it had recently been adjusted to work. I find that after adjustment it works well for only a few weeks. It is a VERY POOR design. I carry a block of wood in mine to put under a wheel to hold it on a slope! I have discussed with my dealer about this issue, but have received no satisfaction . I have considered installing a brake line cut-off valve. It works by holding the pressure on your brake fluid (like having your your foot on the brake all the time), then when you push on the brake pedal it releases.
  14. The parking brake on the E1 is a very poor design. In the year I have owned it I have had to adjust it four or five times. I have to adjust about every month to six weeks. I think it was designed by an idiot. Which is possible because there are a bunch out there! I may have to put a hydraulic lock on the brake system. That will lock all four wheels.
  15. It looks like one would need to use one of their chargers to have the ability to use their app.
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