I appreciate your knowledge, but remember I do not even know what the IAC is or where it is. I need pics of my motor and arrows pointing to these varied sensors you speak of. But the manual is no help. When my motor idles, it is only about 650, not 900. If I turn the screw in, it over revs and not just upping the idle speed a little at a time. I did the throttle sensor twist and tighten thing and it id nothing,
If I had parts to interchange, I could manage. One or more must be defective. But you have me worried about intake manifold leak. I'm assuming you mean intake and not exhaust, correct? Early on when problem first began, Casey told me to run engine and spray starting fluid on intake. He said if motor rpm's increase, then there was a leak. It didn't do it at the time. Should i try this again?
There is one sensor above the throtle sensor. Looks like a bullet when removed. What does it do and what is it called? I did change the MAS sensor Casey sent me awhile back just before they went out. No change. So it's a real crapshoot.