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Anthony Butler

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Everything posted by Anthony Butler

  1. I've checked and cleaned all the fuses from front and back panels. Checking for spark and fuel pressure is my plan for tmw. I'm.hoping my ecu hasent given out
  2. Long story short , 2009 Joyner trooper 1100 , 2300kms When you turn the key the gauges don't cycle, can't hear pump and fan doesn't turn on . Headlights work and turns over no problem . Doesn't even attempt to fire. Fueses are good not sure about relays. Worked fine for a little half hour run , tried to start it a couple hours later and this happened. Where do I start checking
  3. I didn't think I could put in too much either that's why I just hammered down with it . Put the new hose on and refilled today and seems to be working fine again.
  4. So my trooper overheated and blew a hose last night . Took all the lines off today and checked for blockages and couldent find any . Few days ago I refilled the coolant and I think I may have put too much in. It also seems like it wasent pumping anything to the overflow bottle as it was still full with older coolant (was a different color) . Does anyone know the psi rating for the cap so I can replace that aswell ?
  5. Guess it's going to be a winter project
  6. Ok guys , I need a replacement throttle cable for a 2009 Joyner trooper 1100 t2 . Also is there any cross refrences for one ? Located in Canada eh
  7. I havent checked the gear oil level yet, all other gears are fine except for 5th. At the shifter it "appears" to go into 5th but definitely does not in the transmission, moving or not .
  8. Yea i have the cable disconnected on the other lever side and can move the diff end without the cable so its not seized in the diff . Just trying to get the cable free so it will work using the lever .
  9. Yea i have the cable disconnected on the other lever side and can move the diff end without the cable so its not seized in the diff . Just trying to get the cable free so it will work using the lever .
  10. Soo for my second problem lol, 2009 trooper 1100 5 speed , will not engage 5th gear , all others work fine but seems like 5th doesn't engage completely and wont grab the gear. Any idea on where to start looking for issues, or what to look for in regards to linkage.
  11. So my rear diff lock cable is seized on a 2009 trooper 1100 T2 . How do i remove the end that goes into the diff ?
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