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Ridge Runner

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Ridge Runner last won the day on December 8 2024

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Community Answers

  1. I thought Kioti discontinued this model, and only make the K9?
  2. That’s great CSM. You must have the K9? What type of plow did you get, was it hired to install? I have 2200PS, and after the first year of warranty problems, I like mine too. Mine tops out at about 24-25 mph, but I don’t run it that fast. It’s too loud. I don’t have a plow, but I’m thinking of getting one. I did install the skid plates, CV guards, roof, windshield and light horn set. Sadly mine has so many problems from the get go, the dealer had it 7 of the first 12 months.
  3. CSM, how do you like your Kioti?
  4. Thanks, maybe they are all like that. If I hold it when I’m starting out it stays in gear! Thank you.
  5. Alien 10, I have to hold my shifter in place like that to click in, and stay in gear. I think it’s a linkage adjustment, but I’ve never taken the time to work on it.
  6. Have you tried adjusting the existing shocks?
  7. I don’t know why, but curious where you are seeing the code. On the dash, or a code reader? Also is it running ok? Thank you
  8. Thanks Pop Bob I ordered so M6x20mm stainless steel pan head screws. Thanks again for your help.
  9. Hindsight is 20/20. I should have taken the remaining screw off, and measured the length. I bought M6x16 mm, too short. Probably 20 mm, is what it needs. thanks again for your help.
  10. Success!(almost). I followed Pop Bobs instruction. Worked great. I struggled trying to clear the side panel around the dump lever handle. The side panel was hung up there, I didn’t want to break anything, so I didn’t struggle too long. I had enough clearance to tighten up the remaining screw and added a replacement. The replacement is a hex head, silver. Sadly I ordered the wrong length screw, it works, but I’ll order a longer one, and take the panel off and change. Thanks so much for your help.
  11. Thanks Alien10. I’m going go check mine mine now.
  12. Thanks Pop Bob mine looks a bit different in that the side panel appears to nest underneath the black section of the bed . Where I’m stuck is locating the screw heads where the top of the side panel connects to the bed. I located the screws near the tail light, and on the other end of the bed. Your advice and photos have been helpful. Thanks again
  13. Thanks Pop Bob. That’s what I did, I started with the fender lip. What I don’t recall seeing on my bed is the screws at the top of the side panel. Your photo shows two holes through the black section of the bed, on the outside above side panel. Tomorrow, in full daylight I will take another look at mine. Were there hole plug cover where those two screws are? When you got the side panel removed were you able to get the lip screw secured? thanks again
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